The Talking Dog

November 16, 2004, Rank Incompetence Has Its Privileges

Brief news event (apropos of the post title), thanks to Bruce the Veep, who solves the mystery of why Colin is out, and Rummy is in, with this WaPo piece. What it boils down to is that if the Colin Powell wing were to survive while the Rummy wing were to be ousted, this might be perceived as a tacit admission that the fucking disaster known as the Iraq campaign wasn't a perfectly executed military masterpiece that threatened to undermine rather than enhance our national security.

Hence, rather than admit the possibility that a disastrous policy was... the least bit problematic... best to jettison everyone else and continue executing the disastrous policy. Those of us who were perplexed that Senator Kerry didn't say "My vote for the war was a mistake; therefore, my vote not to pay for it was NOT a mistake and if elected President, I will get us the fuck OUT of this mistake so fast your heads will spin..." need no longer worry about it.

Because the policy executed by the Bush Administration is, of course, flawless, and we should all give thanks to the one true God (Pat and Jerry, which one is that?) for blessing us with a leader like George W. Bush and a brilliant tactician like Donald Rumsfeld.

I didn't get a hozah! out of you... you'd best watcheth thine derriere...

Finally, a hearty happy birthday to Mrs. TD. (We went out to see Bobby Short for the occasion; unlike our SecDef, Bobby is VERY competent, as is Mrs. TD.) And tomorrow night (17 November)those of you so inclined can figure out a way to listen to your talking dog on internet radio with Shaun from Vegas (baby). Don't ask me how... Just figure out how... and tune in! (8 pm PST, I understand.)



Many happy returns, Mrs. TD.

Posted by julia at November 17, 2004 1:17 AM

Those who want to hear the internet radio interview can "tune in" at 11 pm EST, 8 pm PST or thereabouts on:

No reason. Just policy.

Posted by the talking dog at November 17, 2004 8:20 AM

Remember--when you're on the radio, Dog:
Woof once for Blame Bush;
Woof twice for Blame Karl Rove;
and growl through teeth for Blame that bastard Rumsfeld.

Posted by They Call Me Mr. Crabcake at November 17, 2004 2:42 PM

And, Happy Birthday, Mrs. TD.

Posted by They Call Me Mr. Crabcake at November 17, 2004 5:17 PM

Yes, Happy Birthday Mrs. TD.
Remember, you're not getting older, you're just getting closer in time to a nuclear proliferation in Korea and Japan.
Ha Ha Ha!!

Posted by Kim Jong-Illin at November 17, 2004 5:58 PM

Yes, Mrs. TD...A very Happy Birthday to you.

Posted by alicia at November 17, 2004 9:10 PM

Kim, you've been voted out of the gulag.

Posted by Michael Farris at November 18, 2004 4:47 PM

I wish Mrs. TD a Happy Birthday, and you vote me out? You heartless bastard.
Remind me of one of my sous chefs who cuts up the puppies for barbecue. He cry on phone to wife and break puppy neck at same time. You same guy.
Ha Ha Ha!!

Posted by Kim Jong-Illin at November 18, 2004 5:17 PM

Gentlemen, gentlemen, this was supposed to be a happy occasion... let's not argue and bicker about who killed who...

And please... given my canine sensitivities... no more canine culinary references...

Posted by the talking dog at November 18, 2004 6:42 PM