The Talking Dog

October 6, 2008, Wondrous providence

Sure, the financial markets are in wild gyrations, and after being down precipitously (800 points in the Dow), ended the day at a merely very bad day down 350 in the Dow and 3-4% drops in other major markets, amidst wide fears that we are seeing what amounts to the end of days in our financial system.

And... these guys are at it again... rearing their heads into our, you know... precious bodily fluids sacred air space.

Vlad the Impaler Putin and Puff Daddy Ahmadiddy

Who will save us? Fear not, citizens...he's back, with all of his dangeralness.


Any thoughts on why there haven't been any resignations as a result of the bailout? Cetainly Paulson's would have been a nice gesture to the public, considering the magnitude of the losses. Sure, it is expected that there will be no substantial reform laws proposed. But usually, someone takes the fall for the team.

Posted by Just Wondering at October 7, 2008 3:38 PM

But usually, someone takes the fall for the team.
JW: What team have you been watching the last 8 years? Taking one for the team means that the team was wrong. The team is never wrong. Just wanted to clear that up.

Posted by the talking dog at October 7, 2008 9:45 PM