The Talking Dog

January 20, 2009, The Day We've Been Waiting For

It's finally January 20, 2009; while we're all excited as hell to have Barack Obama, our first African American (and TD's first college classmate) to be inaugurated as President... even more exciting is the cessation of pain... pain in the form of the Bush Administration, coming to an end in a little over three hours.

Interestingly, like Darth Vader before him, it seems the President has little to offer for his minions; at least so far, those pardons for torture for such denizens as Rumsfeld, Cheney, Tenet, etc.... just ain't coming. To quote a character from (IIRC) Unforgiven, "Day Ain't Over Yet." But at the end of the day... the Bush Administration will be over.

I will spend a portion of the day (I hope) listening to the peals of the bells at Trinity Church (Wall Street); Trinity is, IIRC, where George Washington worshiped around the time of his own first inauguration, and the original site of Barack's (and TD's) alma mater, Columbia College, and final resting place of fellow Columbia alum and first SecTreas Alexander Hamilton.

Well, it's going to be a great day. For a change.


Great day, great promise.Good luck America.

Posted by euro-ron at January 20, 2009 12:49 PM

Thank you Ron, thank you world, thank you everyone. I took in the festivities on a spot on Broad Street near Wall (outside the Stock Exchange) from which 220 years earlier, one could have seen the father of our country take the very first Presidential oath of office, and indeed, heard the bells of Trinity start to peal.

The new day has arrived.

OK... now let's get back to work, and let's be careful out there!

Posted by the talking dog at January 20, 2009 1:40 PM