What a HERO is

I’m saddened to learn of the death of Christopher Reeve at age 52, from heart failure caused by complications from quadriplegia.
As you all know, Reeve, an actor best known for playing Superman in the movie series of that name, was paralyzed from the neck down after a horseback riding accident nine years ago. Rather than fade away and die, as a lesser man might have, horrifying circumstance intervened and Reeve went from being a make-believe super-hero and drove him to become a real one, as he used his public stature to lobby and publicize the plight of those in similar circumstances, including vocal advocacy of stem cell research and other medical endeavors.
While many (including himself) dreamed of the day he would walk again (and a rather freakish commercial to that effect aired during a recent Super Bowl), simply still being alive (and outspoken) at all was miracle enough. His nearly decade long courageous fight just to breathe has, sadly, come to an end. But– the hell with the cliche– he will live on as an inspiration.
Rest in peace, Brother Chris.
