we all must watch what we say and do, etc.

It seems (as if this is a surprise, to anyone) that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, now holed up in the cozy Ecuadorean embassy in London, was designated “an enemy of the state” by American military officials (according to classified documents heretofore leaked to… Wikileaks.) This, of course, means that, without charge [Assange has never been charged by the United States with anything, though he has expressed fear that if he were extradited to Sweden on suspicion of sexual assault, he would be handed over the United States for “disappearing” (as an Australian national Assange might be eligible for Guantanamo Bay or Bagram or a CIA ghost prison, for example), torture, or who knows what. Were he at large, he might be deemed a “legitimate” target of a drone attack… wherever he might be] our President… the one who is “so much better than that awful Romney”… might just gratuitously order his death.
And so… Assange remains holed up, where, I predict, he will be for some time to come. The “friend of my enemy” doctrine, of course, would doubtless incorporate, presumably, me (for example, my dear friend Andy Worthington, for example, has been a “Wikileaks media partner”, presumably making him, me, and perhaps, you for having the audacity to read this sentence, “enemies of the state”…) There is no logical end to a failing government desperate to hold on to its power coming up with outrageous and unconstitutional (and uncivilized) national policies. Once the constitution and the laws aren’t followed “a little”… well, no real reason to follow them at all…
Just saying…
