Freedom delayed is freedom denied… but we’ll take it

Apparently a plea deal has been reached between the United States Department of Justice and Julian Assange, under which Assange will plead guilty to a single count of something or other involving classified documents and be sentenced to five years time served. Assange will plead guilty to this in the U.S. District Court for the Northern Marianas, in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, but evidently, one of the closest American jurisdictions to his native Australia, to where Assange will promptly return.

Assange has essentially been out of circulation for over a decade between a lengthy sojourn in the Ecuadorian embassy and then a long stay in Belmarsh prison. His crime: exposing the crimes of the American empire on the Wikileaks website, not as a leaker or a spy, but as a publisher of news. You’d have thought every news organization in the world would have rushed to Assange’s defense (say, earlier than after several years in prison). But then, Assange is kind of a dick, and isn’t that all that’s supposed to matter?

Sure, if you’re totally devoid of principles. Such as the American news media. Anyway, this is kind of a happy day, despite overdue and bittersweet.

Don’t get me started on the revelation that the fucking Democrats (in a paean to their kneejerk Islamophobia in support of Israel) managed to get the Biden Administration to scotch the transfer of eleven cleared prisoners out of GTMO after the October 7 events… just… don’t get me started.

Okay… feel free to lay odds on whether a Presidential debate will take place this week… I wish I actually cared, but you know… shit going on in my life.

Alright: resume your naps.
