Terrorists lurking behind every corner…

This week’s visit to Pravda gives us this interestingly mixed up story on the group of Chinese and Iraqis picked up in the Boston area on some kind of plot to detonate a “dirty bomb” in Boston. (It had been speculated to me that this was the “Mitt Romney for President Campaign Kick-Off Event”; fear, after all, seems to be the new political currency. We have nothing to fear except everything. While we’re dismantling everything else FDR ever did– why not his catchphrase too?)
I don’t know what to make of the seemingly non-sequitur insertion that “astrologist Hassan Charni predicts that terrorists will attempt to assassinate George W. Bush some time in 2005.” Pravda gives us evidence of Charni’s omniscience by noting that he predicted the deaths of Princess Diana and Yasir Arafat; of course, I can tell you that the odds of both of them dying at some point were pretty much a metaphysical certitude, but then, my methods are less scientific than Charni’s, I suppose.
The mechanism of delivery of the RBS materials (really bad… stuff) is “illegally via Mexico”, a theme Pravda and I have related in the past. But the discussion of the Boston plot and of the interspersed Bush plot (unless the plan was to lure Bush to Boston… perhaps for the first pitch at opening day at Fenway?), or was it… something else…
No matter. Terrorists are around every corner. Maybe we should declare a “Code Red” already, lest the terrorists (and their allies, the crypto-homosexuals led by SpongeBob Square Pants) undermine our Great American Way of Life TM. Code Red, I say. That seemed to be the feared color the last time we believed in an insidious omnipresent enemy. At least that enemy had ICBMs, as opposed to box cutters, but what you gonna do?
