August 30, 2004, And I thought this was a joke...
In fact, the mayor wasn't kidding: an entire array of discounts for peaceful protestors has been made available.
We're not just talking Applebee's: we're talking discount tickets to Mamma Mia (the Abba related musical). Now, you can be a card-carrying protestor... and the card entitles you to... discounts!
From our mayor from the same party as our president who told us that the appropriate reaction to 9-11 was to go shopping, we give you... discounted shopping. Amurrka, she's a great country. Love it, or shove it, eh?
Oh, so now the TD finally picks up on the protester discounts, when the evidence of my bringing it to his attention a week ago has mysteriously disappeared . . . . Oh, well, never mind; poor TD was so overwrought about the threats to the sacred mosque in Najaf that he should be excused for not attending to our comments.
Yes, and even more fun than the discounts are the suggested walking tours and historical sites of particular interest to protesters (why one might even say they are of particular interest to "anarchists"). Yes, it's an official NY City travel brochure for political dissidents. Mayor Bloomberg to protesters: "Even protesters gotta eat."
Posted by mamayo at August 30, 2004 11:35 PM
Can you get bread crumbs for crabcakes at a discount?
Posted by Arthur Pewtie at August 31, 2004 02:11 AM
Check the list. I think Applebees has nice crabcakes-- but then, who knows? But its not just Mamma Mia; museums and Tony and Tina's wedding are also discounted; even a free gift from J&R Musicworld. This program is NICE. Of course, given our City's heinous GOP overreaction, there is just NO WAY we should get the Olympics. NONE.
I'm sorry, but I STILL can't accept the reality of the "Protestor Discount" cards (even as I have posted one on my office door!). And Allah be praised for at least temporarily saving the universe by ending the Najaf fiasco with only people fallen, and the Mosque still standing. Comments have, for the moment, disappeared thanks to corrupted-data-thanks-to-spammers in my archives; hopefully, we will get the archives back up in some form or another... they are always accessible via "google-cache"... and that wild and crazy parallel livejournal site (at least for now)...
Posted by the talking dog at August 31, 2004 05:05 PM