August 31, 2004, Flip flopping? Soft on terror?
Where's Osama? Where's Osama? (Well, we know he's somewhere in Western Pakistan, awaiting his photo op in October, but that's not important right now.)
No, no... after giving the President credit for behaving like an adult, and announcing that the war on terror TM can not, actually, really be"won", the President promptly disappoints me, with his new marching orders from Karl, and, of course, told veterans in Tennessee, that, au contraire, the war on terror CAN be won!
While this presents a nice opportunity for Senators Kerry and Edwards to call Bush a flip-flopper, it's really a lost opportunity to call for an end to demagoguery and scaremongering, and invite a rational discussion of just how good or bad a job the Bush Administration has done in battling Al Qaeda and making the nation safer, and whether or not the calm, deliberative, mature junior senator from the Bay State can do a better job, or has better ideas on how to the job... or we can go back to fake terror alerts, and surprises (see "Osama").
Still so insistent that Muslims are people with beliefs just like you and me? Another senseless bombing in Israel.
Posted by Just Wondering at August 31, 2004 11:11 PM
And the Israelis will doubtless respond by killing dozens of times as many Palestinians. Does that mean we should question the bona fides of Jewish belief?
The "terrorists" are particular people who happen to be well-financed by a particular government whose royal family our own President is an honorary member of. Their Moslem status is, frankly, incidental to this.
The reason Moslems are at the center of many of the main blood-baths going on right now (Middle East, Chechnya, Darfur, et al.) is something I recently alluded to: the Islamic world is rapidly moving from the Middle Ages into the space age, and simultaneously continues to have Medieval attitudes toward the world, while having first world modern weaponry. It was a problem when GERMANY combined pagan tree-worship with a First World army, and its a problem when the Islamic world does it too. Its more a political problem (fascism) than a religious one.
And frankly, a racist response will only make things worse.
Posted by the talking dog at September 1, 2004 05:57 PM
Posted by aqq at September 2, 2004 05:31 PM
Posted by dzwonki at September 2, 2004 05:32 PM