the talking dog

September 23, 2003, Revolution No. 9

The Ninth Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals in San Francisco, sitting "en banc" (meaning all of 'em, instead of just a group of 3) got together and reinstated the California recall election for October 7th. The 9th Circuit sets back on track the recall election fiasco which has seen the leading candidate Arnold Schwarzenegger refuse to debate unless all the questions were pre-arranged, Tom McClintock, a clear Republican spoiler who cannot win by himself but can siphon enough votes off of Schwarzenegger to deprive him of a win, Gray Davis himself, who in a move perfected by the Clintons (both of them) is starting to look downright sympathetic as a political victim (ably helped by Bill Clinton himself!), Cruz Bustamante, who, if possible, has even less charm or appeal as a possible governor than Gray Davis himself does, and Arianna Huffington, because, well... because! And lest we forget the other 130 candidates.

Who knows? Davis may well pull this out-- it will be close, but even if he doesn't, Bustamante may hold on.

Arnold, Arnold, Arnold. Schwarzenegger has a very easy campaign, if only he weren't so damned thin-skinned about making an ass of himself (typical Republican... its all about them). Its simple, Arnold. You say the following: "I am not a professional politician. I am a movie actor. But I wouldn't make a movie by myself. To make a movie, we get the best team we can, and we do the job. As to running the state, unfortunately, it seems clear that Gray Davis has lost his way, and even though he is a professional politician, he and his team are not up to the job. His desperation at political pandering with the new drivers' license bill, while it may be popular with some people, may threaten national security, and is irresponsible, for example [the Chicanos are goin's with Cruz anyway-- nothin' to lose there Arnold]. I have no illusions about turning the state's problems around overnight. But whatever it is Davis is bringing to the table, its not going to bring the needed change fast enough, that I, a complete outsider really beholden to no one, can bring. Great ideas? Well, I've hired some top people, and they suggest... (come up with a good idea!)... "

That is all. Well, democracy in action, I s'ppose. Ay caramba.

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