the talking dog

January 4, 2004, Jumpin' Jack Flash

We interrupt discussion of Britney's surprise wedding stunt in Vegas to bring you this much more unimportant discussion of the White House budget proposal for the next fiscal year (beginning in October). The proposal, according to the New York Times article linked to above (or here), will seek to rein in discretionary spending (or reduce the percentage increases thereto!) without "alienating politically important constiuencies".

For the unbeievable dishonesty shown by the Bush Administration in order to induce the country to support the Iraq aggression adventure, at times Bush and his supporters have been remarkably honest about their strategies: during the campaign, Bush promised to stay "on message"-- he did (despite the apparent appearance of being a simpleton, the country ate it up), or his promises of how he would campaign against Howard Dean (Northeastern liberal cultural elite), or this, "avoiding alientating politically important constituencies".
This is "truth in advertising" politics. The President and his team is not telling us that they believe this is the sound fiscal policy America will need to create jobs and generate economic growth (and eventually eliminate-- having started with a surplus, reducing really shouldn't be good enough-- the deficit). He is telling us that he will do what may or may not actually be responsible, but will unquestionably be the best move politically. Refreshing, when you think about it.

Well, let's take a look at some of the programs identified for slashing, as identified by the Times (in no sense as "fair and balanced" as Fox News, but the "paper of record" certainly has its own axe to grind). These programs include housing vouchers for the poor, veteran's health benefits, cut that irritating bio-medical research spending, and reduce funding to those irritating employment programs. It's almost unnecessary to discuss the policy implications of some of these things (note that agri-business subsidies and pork-barrel programs aren't really mentioned). As housing costs increase and wages are flat (or even declining), let's cut subsidies to the poorest Americans! As our servicemen are called upon to make bigger and bigger sacrifices by this President, let's cut their benefits (a greater incentive as recruitment needs will increase, no?) Bio-medical research? The reasons for cutting that are self-evident. Ditto employment assistance programs in a recession.

You get the picture. Again, if handled properly-- on efficiency grounds rather than on demagoguery, the President has given another potentially huge gift to Democratic challengers (even if they all seem more concerned with harpooning each other than winning the damned election). Chosing these items to cut, while still proposing more tax cuts , is damned irresponsible. Someone should make an issue out of that.

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