the talking dog

March 24, 2004, Not with a bang, but with a wimper

One of the things that I have meant to discuss at some length (but was duly silenced by technical difficulties, and of late, professional obligation-- yes, I remain unemployed in George W. Bush's America) is the assassination of Hamas founder and spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin.

I came across this assessment of plain old sadness among Palestinians about the inevitable consequences of this event, as contained in the diary section of dog run member Electronic Intifada.

The assessment is that the assassination of Yassin represents some sort of Israeli policy of eliminating Hamas prior to Israel pulling out of Gaza (which, lest it become an issue-- God help us-- in the American Presidential election-- will only take place after November (if at all), may smack of something more ominous.) As I see it, Sheikh Yassin, since his release from jail as part of an exchange for Mossad agents captured in Jordan after a botched assassination attempt on another Hamas leader, has been a royal pain in the ass. He has helped organize countless suicide attacks and other murders which have directly or indirectly resulted in the deaths of hundreds, both Israelis and Palestinians. And, as I said elsewhere, he will not be missed.

However... the Electronic Intifada piece conveys a sadness at the inevitable insanity of the after-consequnces. It describes a Palestinian mother of seven daughters who says she does not want land, does not even want her own state, all she wants is a normal life for her children. Golda Meir used to say that peace would break out when Palestinians (in general) loved their own children more than they hated Israel's. Sadly, I fear that the Palestinian mother described may represent a common sentiment among Palestinians that dare not speak up amidst the multifarious criminal gangs (led by the arch-criminal Arafat and his own Fatah Nostra). There is also a sadness that on the Israeli side, despite most Israelis craving for a normal life, extremists will hold sway on that side, and the policies that prevent normalcy will continue, unabated.

As I often note in matters of Israel's own war on terror, Israel gives us a sneak preview of what we're up against, as well as a cautionary tale. Secretary Albright testified during the 9-11 Commission hearings (which are fascinating in their own right, though, I confess, quite painful for me to listen to in more than little bits), had the United States successfully executed the death of Osama bin Laden, we would not have killed Al Qaeda by any means. Well, Israel may be knocking off its known leadership in Gaza, but it seems that two or three Palestinians seem to pop up in place of each one killed either by Israeli air power or attempting to murder Israelis. Hence, Yassin will be replaced... I understand he may already have been. (Some felt he was a moderating influence in Hamas; if he was, I guess Israelis are about to find out the hard way).

Yes, Israel proceeds with construction of the security fence, which, given how many Palestinian towns and villages are on the Israeli side, lends credence to the proposition that the fence is more land-grab device than security device. Charges of ethnic cleansing by Israelis have been made for decades, of course, by blowhard Palestinians; this time, however, they may actually have some credence. Settlement expansion continues-- despite the insane costs on both sides. The fence goes on, although its less of a big deal (the entire cost of it is in the range of $200,000,000, which I have pointed out represents less than a large size settlement, when one factors in infrastructure, roads, security, etc.) than are the settlements themselves.

But facts on the ground, they are a changing-- and they are slowly but surely whittling away at land, and hence, likely wealth in a Palestinian society that will be dependent on agriculture and tourism, assuming the criminal gangs that run it can be ousted and some semblancy of normal life ever be imposed. And ordinary Palestinians will become ever more desperate, and doubtless, the line to become suicide bombers will grow ever longer, and more Israelis will die on buses and in cafes, and more Palestinians will die in their beds, cars and street corners.

And "road maps for peace" and "peace processes" and "shining Arab democracies" in Iraq... won't mean shit. More people on both sides of the conflict will die, often horribly, and invariably senselessly. The mighty Israel that can probably mobilize as many military personnel in 72 hours as the United States despite having only boxed in Syria as a declared enemy on its border, remains in an existential trap... although at this point, one which it largely controls. But it won't. The politics dictate a "hard line"-- on settlements, on revenge assassinations, on the future borders of the Palestinian archipelago-- and Palestinian hopelessness will only grow.

I fear that Secretary Albright's capsule assessment (as seconded by Richard Clarke) is correct: just crossing off terror figures from a list as they die or are
captured does not mean one is winning the war on terror. More terrorists simply take their place. The ultimate fight will involve adjusting policy to remove the preconditions to terror (something neither Israel nor the United States has been willing to do), actual, meaningful human intelligence (something the Israelis at least are ahead of us on-- indeed, we relied on some of Israel's deliberately manufactured intelligence to justify the Iraq adventure, because our own intelligence these days doesn't seem that... intelligent); active internal security and law enforcement measures (the Israelis are again ahead of us), and only lastly, military action (again, the Israelis at least always know who to strike against).

And yet, despite its overwhelming military superiority, Jerusalem residents have to take a deep breath every time they step on a bus. And I suppose, we of the Big Apple may have to go back to thinking that way soon.

Yassin is (or was) a bad man. But is getting to cross his name off a list worth the price that will be paid for being able to strike that name? Time will tell... I think you can guess my opinion....

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"Charges of ethnic cleansing against Israel...: What do you think 1948 was but ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians? The Zionists always planned to expel the Palestinians (even your pal Benny Morris admits that), Israel was conceived and born in terrorism. Your viewpoint is ahistorical, to say the least.

Posted by Dick Fitzgerald at March 24, 2004 08:33 PM

"Charges of ethnic cleansing"? What was 1948? The Zionists always planned and did expel the Palestinians. Even your pal Benny Morris admits that. Israel was conceived and born in terrorism. Your viewpoint is ahistorical, to say the least.

Posted by Dick Fitzgerald at March 24, 2004 08:39 PM

"Charges of ethnic cleansing against Israel...: What do you think 1948 was but ethnic cleansing against the Palestinians? The Zionists always planned to expel the Palestinians (even your pal Benny Morris admits that), Israel was conceived and born in terrorism. Your viewpoint is ahistorical, to say the least.

Posted by Dick Fitzgerald at March 24, 2004 08:40 PM


Stop sugarcoating and tell us how you REALLY feel...

There is no dispute that the circumstances of Israel's existence have always been problematic...
In many ways, locating your ethnic state amidst and among your arch-enemies is the political equivalent of choosing to build a society on the sides of an active volcano. Of course, ANY Jewish state would probably have had that attribute. However, the international community in its infinite wisdom settled on a partition format for Palestine, and the '47-48 borders were drawn.

Immediately, of course, Israel was attacked by its Arab neighbors (losing around 1% of its first Jewish residents in the '48 war, btw), and the rest is history; some of its then Arab residents were forcibly evicted, and many more chose to leave on their own.

While this distinction SHOULD have made for a meaningful historical and legal distinction, it hasn't, and after overhalf a century, is now probably impossible to sort out (though I wish someone would try).

Lookit-- the United States was founded by stealing land from Cherkoees and Navajos and Iroquois; Mexico, from Aztecs and Mayans. Lots of countries have similar issues-- many in the Arab world (hey, how about the shit now going down in Sudan and Ethiopia/Eritrea)? Doesn't excuse Israel, but then, one little democratic country being the recipient of fully 25% or more of the UN General ASsembly's attention is a tad disproportionate in its own right...

The fact is, the entire Arab world pretty much did THEIR OWN ethnic cleansing, and then expelled their own Jews, most of whom went to Israel.

So, let me say: the history is interesting, but it gets less relevant each year (really). And harping on it will not bring about an ultimate political resolution (really).

Israel-- RIGHT NOW-- in the year 2004-- is doing bad shit, and as a democratic country being anply supported by the United States-- had best be influenced to STOP DOING the bad shit. Period. I may or may not really care what happened over 50 years ago-- but if we are to solve this seemingly insoluble conundrum, we had best pretend to forget it for a while.

Posted by the talking dog at March 24, 2004 08:53 PM

I think Mr. Fitzgerald's comments, coming one week after St. Patrick's Day, are inappropriate. How many Druids were slaughtered or deported to Iceland by the Celts in their quest to build the Emerald Isle? Sure, it made the place smell better, but was it right?

Posted by Hy Bernian at March 24, 2004 11:51 PM

Did the Boers quit when the Crimeans bombed the Triangle Shirt Factory?

Posted by Bluto at March 24, 2004 11:56 PM

Dick, you're not Jewish, are you? Hmm, I could tell. I am, so f*ck off. We're struggling here with our own morality. If you're not going to contribute something meaningful, leave us to our thoughts.

If I voted in Israel, I would never vote for Sharon. He's Israel's Bush. His cabinet their neocons. I spit on them.

I spit on those who would kill Jews, too, with great vehemence. As saddened as I am that Sharon leads Israel, my heart continues to be hardened by the drek I see leading the Palestinians. It's easy and popular to blame Israel for the stalemate, but it is not Israeli intransigence that impedes progress.

Better a fence than suicide bombers.

Posted by r. Houston Bridges at March 25, 2004 12:34 AM

You mention, TD, removing the preconditions to terror. Among those I would count profound policy changes, but those usually need strong support and collaboration from all parties.
Yes, we all wish that powderkeg contained, but that last assassination might prove a bit too much, and we all are soft targets now.

Posted by Camilo at March 25, 2004 11:45 AM

The conflict between Israel and Palestine is problematic at best. Even if/when Palestine is a separate state, there will continue to be those fundamentalists that will continue to fight to eradicate Israel and its people based on fundamentalist religious beliefs. Although the situation is terribly tragic, given the sheer number of civilian casualties, I agree with Israel's stance to strike back with a substantially greater amount of force than that exercised upon them. Many nations were formed long ago in the same manner as Israel (i.e. land grab, war, conflict). We have a duty as a global people to support freedom from terror. I'll never feel sorry for terrorist groups rattling their sabres because one of their own was killed, regardless of the means.

Posted by Luxy312 at March 25, 2004 02:02 PM

Hey Dick,
You might want to run a title search on the land that is Israel. You'll find the Jews have claims going back thousands of years. They did not just unilaterally come in and exterminate the locals like the Europeans did here, and everywhere else they "enlightened." As to being born in terrorism, their survival required war and self protection. We and our allies dumped the Jews in Israel after WWII (The Big One) because we didn't know what else to do with them. Don't blame them for surviving.
And R. Houston Bridges--Do you go to temple with Thurston Howell, III?

Posted by Senor Rick at March 25, 2004 10:24 PM

Just one last thought: a lot of the shit Israel has to deal with now involves its tacit secret deal with Jordan to prevent Arafat and Fatah from ever being in a position to get close enough to try to foment ANOTHER overthrow of the Jordanian Hashemite kingdom (like the one Arafat tried to pull off back in the 60's and 70's, until the late King Hussein threw his ass out-- into Lebanon, of course, where Arafat tried to foment a coup in THAT country, helping turn IT into a major league shithole.

As such-- there may be yet one MORE genuine yet always unstated reason why Israel is so hell-bent on expanding its settlements, and otherwise keeping the conditions for Palestinian terror at a permanent boiling point-- i.e., keeping its potentially hostile Trans-Jordan neighbor happy; its possible though far less likely that a similar deal exists with Egypt with respect to Gaza-- although the fact that Israel will probably leave GAza by the end of this year (please God) makes that less likely indeed.

Of course, whatever trouble Israel will be in from having killed Yassin, I would multiply that by several thousand if it went after Arafat-- even though, sadly, no peace is even remotely possible while Arafat breathes. (It strikes me that Arafat is the PERFECT candidate for the inaugural beachfront villa at my "Club Med for Dictators TM". If only.)

Posted by the talking dog at March 25, 2004 10:50 PM

Dick Fitzgerald:

You don't have the facts right. Israel did not start the 1948 war or the 1967 war that lead to Israel's expanded land holdings.

The issue of Palestine first arose towards the end of the First World War with the disintegration of the Turkish Ottoman Empire. Palestine was among the several former Ottoman Arab territories which were placed under the administration of Great Britain.

All but one of these Mandated Territories became fully independent States, as anticipated. The exception was Palestine where, instead of being limited to "the rendering of administrative assistance and advice" the Mandate had as a primary objective the implementation of the "Balfour Declaration" issued by the British Government in 1917, expressing support for "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people".

During the years of the Palestine Mandate, from 1922 to 1947, large-scale Jewish immigration from abroad, mainly from Eastern Europe took place, the numbers swelling in the 1930s with the rise and horrors of the Third Reich.

Palestinian demands for independence and resistance to Jewish immigration led to a rebellion in 1937, followed by continuing terrorism and violence from both sides during and immediately after World War II.

Ultimately, in 1947, Great Britain turned the problem over to the United Nations. The UN partitioned Palestine into two independent States, one Palestinian Arab and the other Jewish, with Jerusalem internationalized (Resolution 181 (II) of 1947).

The nation of Israel was formed when Jewish people took the UN up on their offer. The (hope for a) Palestinian nation fell, when Palastine declined the UN's offer. After Israel declared its independence in May of 1948, the Arabs living in the Palestine Mandate (today's Palestinians) and the Arab States refuse the two state compromise and declare war on the new Jewish State. Armies from Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Iraq and Egypt attack the new Jewish State

Israel won the 1948 war, that she did not start, and expanded Israel's occupation to 77 per cent of the territory of Palestine. Israel also occupied the larger part of Jerusalem. Over half the indigenous Palestinian population fled or were expelled. Jordan and Egypt occupied the other parts of the territory assigned by the partition resolution to the Palestinian Arab State which did not come into being.

When Israel was attacked in 1967, it won the remaining territory of Palestine, until then under Jordanian and Egyptian control (the West Bank and Gaza Strip). This included the remaining part of Jerusalem, which was subsequently annexed by Israel. The war brought about a second exodus of Palestinians, estimated at half a million.

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