June 7, 2004, It Wasn't Like She Was Going to Bad Mouth FOX NEWS, Now, Was It?
Good old Condolleeza Rice, the President's designated Nanny who sometimes purports to be the National Security Advisor, announced that Arab broadcaster Al Jazeera... depicted things inaccurately. I mean, come on Condi? Its not like Al Jazeera's home, the small island nation of Qatar (pronounced gutter... I don't believe it either, but then, let's face it-- you can't really trust American journalists these days) is, like, home of a large American base and fully familiar with the heavy-handedness of the Bush Administration... Oh wait-- IT IS. Somewhere in there, somebody somewhere said the Arabs should realize that big changes are coming in the Middle East, and will not hinge on the resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict (good news, seeing as that conflict is unlikely to end... )
This particular tempest in a teaspoon apparently concerns coverage of the (meaningless) outcome of a (meaningless) meeting between American officials and those from a number of Middle Eastern country, including from our colony in Iraq, at the G-8 Summit now going on in Georgia, on a heavily fortified coastal island. I understand that Georgia's Governor Sonny Perdue, who LOVES Civil War reenactments (especially wons where the South wins) declared martial law... protestin' the G-8 summit within, oh, 50 miles or so of it, is a hangin' offense under the terms of the Emergency Declaration...
Well, Georgia means bid'ness- whether its keepin' those uppity women away from the Mastuhs (the golf tournament) or keepin' those uppity liberals away from the G-8 summit... don't mess with Georgia... Had Perdue been govenuh at the O-lypics in '96, that Richard Jewell would ha' been shot LONG BEFORE he could blow up Centennial Park... as would a lot of other uppity troublemakuhs...
Anyway, as with everything else that comes out of Dr. Rice's mouth these days, the instant dispute seems so trivial and meaningless that I just refuse to be bothered to figure out what its about. I mean, Al Jazeera keeps showing pictures of Iraqi people tortured and kiilled at the hands of Americans, but doesn't seem to show them smiling in front of their freshly painted school buildings, proudly smiling and waving American flags.
Talk about media bias.
Just wondering ... reckon Bush will be taking a "dip" in the ocean ... as in the polls?
Posted by Granny at June 8, 2004 09:43 AM
He actually can't go any lower. My understanding is that he's around 41, 42% approval rating. That's his base-- the roughly 2 in 5 Americans who want to see the planet destroyed so they can ascend to Heaven via rapture, and WE CAN'T. Oh, maybe he can go to 38 or 39%-- but you get the idea. There is a core of support for this man-- they LIKE the wars and tax cuts-- in fact, the worse the torture thing gets, the better they like him.
The issue is kind of a race against the clock-- the economy is showing signs of life, and thanks to Bandar, oil prices will start falling and show up at the pump around... the GOP convention-- will it be perceived in time for Chimp to eek out the few points over base he needs.
Will it be enough to overcome the unbelievable hatred this man generates in the majority? I hope not... but stay tuned!!!
Posted by the talking dog at June 8, 2004 09:51 AM
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