the talking dog

June 12, 2004, Rape, Murder, Robbery, Arson and Rape. You Said Rape Twice. I LIKE Rape.

This week's visit to Pravda will give us two goodies: the first is Pravda's interview with perennial journalistic icon Greg Palast; the other is even more troubling than Palast's suggestions that both the Reagan era enemies ("Evil Empire") and Bush II-era enemies ("Axis of Evil") are, for most practical purposes, imaginary. The second, even more troubling, are allegations of massive and systematic rape of always innocent Iraqi women committed in the context of the Abu Ghraib... situation.

What is peculiarly monstrous, of course, is the status of Arab women in a Neo-Medieval state (this shit would NOT HAVE HAPPENED UNDER SADDAM-- boys and girls, we seem to be crossing every line imaginable, and on this one, we have outdone Saddam). Specifically, in the post-Saddam Iraq, a woman who has been raped will suffer ostracisim, "honour killings", family shame, frequent suicides... while our boys are "just having fun" (right Rush?), and most significantly, following the direct orders of Washington as to how to inflict maximum humiliation on a populace we are trying to pacify.

Yes, yes-- Pravda's source is the Iraqi communist party, who doubtless has their own axes to grind. However, as we have seen from this entire Iraq war-- things ALWAYS seem to be worse than first presented to us-- in short, there seems no reason NOT to believe this, and frankly, the reality of what happened "inside" seems (if possible) less important than the "rep" it has earned which leads to further brutality towards women on the outside.

Well, well. On the day that New York's police commissioner has pretty much decided to avoid being told to do so by a federal court and says he will issue a parade permit to GOP Convention protestors, all I'll say is, any doubt I had that I would be joining that protest have just been erased today.

I think the number who will be joining me there will grow. And grow.

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Ronald Reagan-R.I.P. Although the ceremonies went on even longer than your column.
I appreciate that Nixon had the decency to decline the offer of such a State Funeral, and I hope that Clinton would have the decency to do the same.
Yes, W is a moron, but there always appeared to be some rhyme or reason to all this. However the unabashed sellout of the Kurds is reprehensible, and it will come back to bite us in the ass when looking for allies.
The Iraqi Communist Party as your source? What, the Jon Lovitz "That's the ticket" character was not available?
Finally, with all the morass in your trademarked Bush Meltdown, and the fact that Kerry is ahead by 6% in some polls, McCain announces that Kerry actively solicited him for V.P. I love the smell of seeking a crossover candidate as your running mate in the morning. Smells like Desperation.

Posted by They Call Me Mr. Crabcake at June 12, 2004 02:00 PM

When I am not available, they usually go to the Iraqi Communist Party.
Worriers of the world unite!

Posted by Hassan Bar Sinister at June 12, 2004 06:10 PM

Well, I disclosed the source; if this turns out to be another documented Abu Ghraib horror (and it will), whwere it first came from is irrelevant.

President Reagan is now safely in the ground in Simi Valley, California (the same town where the jury acquitted the cops who beat up Rodney King).

Probably a coincidence-- but a fitting one.

Meanwhile, back in the batcave...

I liken the presidential election to an Olympic track pursuit bicycle race: the two competitors basically just jostle for position for the first 9 laps, and only on the bell lap do they take off and we figure out a winner...

The winner will not break out until the earliest September, as late as Halloween-- but the winner this year will be decisive (certainly compared to the last one). Four and a half months plus remains an eternity... all of this is just... too early-- but the current trends are not good for Bush...

Posted by the talking dog at June 12, 2004 08:45 PM

As to Ron, Jr.'s speech-- heartfelt, and to the point. I suppose you like the "Dad believed God spared him so he would DO GOOD, which he viewed as A RESPONSIBILITY and NOT A MANDATE...

Now, now Alicia: recall that Ron, Sr. won 49 states WITHOUT breaking into Democratic National Headquarters: that is what I call a popular mandate.

Junior, of course, had to rely on chicanery in a state his brother was governor was and Supreme Court Justices appointed by his dad. IN short, since Dubya has NO popular mandate, his ONLY mandate is from God. And now you want ot take THAT away from him?

The believers heard nothing they didn't want to about St. Ronnie. That's why we call them fanatical psychopathic NUTS. I was listening to "This American Life" today, in a bit about a guy running for state legislature in New Jersey as a Republican in a 70-30 Democratic district. Most people (Democrats, naturally) were remarkably polite, and duly dismissive. One woman finally screamed at him: YOUR PARTY HAS KILLED THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE IN IRAQ! I COULD NEVER EVER VOTE FOR ANYONE FROM THAT PARTY EVER.

While that's not exactly my feelings (I'd confine it to "the Bush Family" instead of "your party", this guy thought it BIZARRE THAT EVERYONE DIDN'T THINK BUSH WAS DOING A GREAT JOB.

You see my point? The whole continued existence of the Bush Administration is a faith based initiative-- its sure not about reality.

Posted by the talking dog at June 12, 2004 09:03 PM

I liked Ron, Jr.'s speech too. Glad to see someone else noticed he slammed Bush. He is on record as saying Bush is "demented."

I will be marching with you. Where shall we meet?

What do you think of the city's decision not to allow a rally on the Great Lawn? The Parks Commissioner, a dedicated environmentalist and a Democrat, says it 's a money decision and nothing to do with politics.

Posted by diana at June 12, 2004 09:09 PM

As to Ron, Jr., I thank YOU.

As to the protests to come, march plans are TBA; as to the Great Lawn, the issue to me is how ELSE the Great Lawn is treated.

St. Rudy, of course, would do shit like this all the time-- give over the City FREE OF COST (damn the expense) if it involved, oh THE FUCKING YANKEES. But anyone else he didn't like he got all proprietary-- that's generally why his record in federal court on shit like that was something like 1-33.

IF the Great Lawn is ONLY used by, say, people who PAY FOR ITS MAINTENANCE, and UFPJ wouldn't pay for it, then "good decision"-- I can't argue that.

On the other hand, I suspect its a cross between Rudy's "the City's public spaces are for my friends and cronies-- ONLY" and legitimate concern about imposition of maintenance expense on the City.

Now-- had the UFPJ people said "if its a maintenance thing, WE'LL PAY FOR IT (whatever re-sodding the Great Lawn might cost)-- and was STILL turned down, then I would say we have an outstanding federal case.

Of course, the march may be a better alternative-- FOR THE CITY. THat way it can do what it did in February '03 when I was protesting the Iraq War (and IIRC and a bit OT, you were at a different phase of enlightenment and scoffed at the protests)-- to wit in these parades, the CIty likes to divert 80% of the protestors to side streets so they can't be counted as part of the protest-- and the God damned bootlicking "paper of record" always goes along with serving the interests of fascists so it can sit at the tough guys' table.

Did I say all that out loud?

Posted by the talking dog at June 12, 2004 09:25 PM

Uh, yup.

Hey - I'll bring a picnic...

Are we going as billionaires against Bush? I'd like to see a bunch of already-pissed-off-at-Bloomberg cops face down me and Mrs. TD in evening dress.

Posted by julia at June 12, 2004 10:11 PM

TD...Most definitely I was refering to Ron Jr's dig at the religious mandate that Bush has been pushing since day one. I'm a DC transplant living in the Bible Belt (I accept your sympathy) and know a religious nut when I see one. Not all, but many are convinced that this administration is doing God's work....frightening really. Well, obviously I can't protest in NYC, but I'll be with you in spirit....and in my little corner of the world there's hope...I've had two people this week ask where they could get the "Regime Change Begins at Home" bumper sticker that adorns my car. Really, that is progress. Did Crabby agree that W is a moron? Hooray!!!

Posted by alicia at June 13, 2004 09:43 AM

Based upon my files on Crabcake, it is highly likely that he would admit that W is a moron.
You're missing the point, Alicia.
By the way, have your started doing pushups? It will make boot camp much easier for you.

Posted by Hassan Bar Sinister at June 13, 2004 01:10 PM

Hassan, I will gladly go to boot camp in place of my sons....thanks to OUR MORON as you have pointed out. I'm done.

Posted by alicia at June 13, 2004 06:04 PM

That's YOUR I'm done.

Posted by alicia at June 13, 2004 06:17 PM

Yes, he is my moron. (Heavy evil laughing - a good ninety seconds of it.)

Posted by Hassan Bar Sinister at June 13, 2004 10:00 PM

Excellent work, Hassan.
In the second term, you will be appointed the Minister of Sinister.

Posted by They Call Me Mr. Crabcake at June 14, 2004 07:36 PM

I want my own moron.

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