June 13, 2004, Yet another view of Reagan...
This week's visit with our friends at the People's Daily gives us the PRC's official view of Ronald Reagan: a tough anti-communist, with famous "Reagan economics" (apparently, "Reaganomics" doesn't translate into Mandarin and back). The money line, of course, is that every meeting with a foreign dignitary was an adventure, because no one had any idea whether a stupid or insensitive remark might create an international incident.
I vaguely remember that. Again-- George W. Bush-- truly the heir apparent...
There's a proposal to exempt religious missionaries from the Fight for Freedom Act (reinstatement of draft for those of all ages). So start setting up your religious organizations now! No need for that costly and cold trip to Canada.
Posted by Hassan Bar Sinister at June 14, 2004 04:12 PM
No time for the usual musings today folks.
Today was TieDye Shirts and Bermuda Shorts Day at the office. Boy, can Andy in Accounting drink. And that Randy sure does polish off the nachos.
What fun!!!
Posted by the talking dog 2 at June 14, 2004 09:03 PM
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