the talking dog

July 6, 2004, And the nomination goes to...

John Edwards.

All news services now report this, to be announced in Pittsburgh later this morning "officially". Congratulations to Senator Edwards, congratulations to Senator Kerry. A fine choice; having chosen my original preference for top of the ticket, I certainly have no quibbles with Senator Kerry for chosing North Carolina's senior senator. And most importantly: we needn't worry about him picking Gephardt any longer.

Oh-- let's all wish a happy birthday to President George W. Bush (and Nancy Reagan).


Here is the official e-mail, so it IS now official:

Dear Seth,

In just a few minutes, I will announce that Senator John Edwards will join me as my running-mate on the Democratic ticket as a candidate for vice president of the United States. Teresa and I could not be more excited that John and Elizabeth Edwards will be our partners in our journey to make America stronger at home and respected in the world.

You are the heart and soul of our campaign. You've shattered records and expectations every step of the way. Every time someone said you couldn't do it, you proved them wrong. Because of your incredible grassroots energy and commitment, I wanted to make the first official announcement of my decision to you -- more than one million online supporters at

I want you to know why I'm excited about running for president with John Edwards by my side. John understands and defends the values of America. He has shown courage and conviction as a champion for middle class Americans and those struggling to reach the middle class. In the Senate, he worked to reform our intelligence, to combat bioterrorism, and keep our military strong. John reaches across party lines and speaks to the heart of America -- hope and optimism. Throughout his own campaign for President, John spoke about the great divide in this country -- the "Two Americas" -- that exist between those who are doing well today and those that are struggling to make it from day to day. And I am so proud that we're going to build one America together.

In the next 120 days and in the administration that follows, John Edwards and I will be fighting for the America we love. We'll be fighting to give the middle class a voice by providing good paying jobs and affordable health care. We'll be fighting to make America energy independent. We'll be fighting to build a strong military and lead strong alliances, so young Americans are never put in harm's way because we insisted on going it alone.

I can't tell you how proud I am to have John Edwards on my team, or how eager I am for the day this fall when he stands up for our vision and goes toe-to-toe with Dick Cheney.

This is the most important election of our lifetime, and a defining moment in our history. With you by our side every day of this campaign, John and I will lead the most spirited presidential campaign America has ever seen and fight to lead our nation in a new and better direction.

Thank you,

John Kerry

Just two further words from me: Mazel tov!

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Oh--does that mean all of you were wrong? I was, too--I figured it would be "none of the above." However, I think Edwards is a fine choice--as some pundit or other said, Edwards adds a sales force to Kerry's product. Not that I think Kerry's such a great product, but the absurdly small number of voters who elected him seemed to feel that his "experience" was the right product. It is, at least, a better product that Bush is offering.

Regarding the "incompetence v. evil" argument, a) I think they are both, b)we shouldn't rule out the possibility that incompetence IS evil, and c) neither of these is likely to affect the poll numbers much--lots of people don't care if they're incompetent, and lots of people don't care if they're evil. The fact is, Bush HAS dropped by 30 points in the polls--the polls about Bush. But, just as we would vote ABB, there are plenty of die-hards who will vote for Bush even if they hate him. The maximum possible movement in the polls is about a 10 point spread.

Kerry will capture that spread eventually. Until today, the "liberal" media haven't even deigned to mention him more than once a week. It seems ridiculous to us, but I really do believe that Mr. and Mrs. Average voter deliberately tune out the politics until sometime in Sept. I'm glad Kerry has been hanging back--it's going to make everyone much more eager to feature him now.

Meanwhile, I am really, really going to enjoy the picture of "cherubic, yet lethal" Edwards v. "V.P. Potty-mouth" Cheney in the V.P. debate. Then we'll see why corporate CEOs fear and loathe successful trial lawyers. Light meat, or dark?

Posted by mamayo at July 6, 2004 02:24 PM

There will be no debate among the Vice Presidential candidates.
The debate among Presidential candidates will be a series of speeches, just like W's "press conferences."
Sorry to disappoint you.

Posted by Hassan Bar Sinister at July 6, 2004 06:02 PM

So Hassan, are you saying the current VP is a 'fowl-mouthed' chicken? (sorry) It has been a lovely day, imagining the debates to be between a bright, quick-witted, sincere attorney and a grumpy, stern, dishonest SOB. The contrast should be enlightening. Must you spoil the fun today?

Posted by alicia at July 6, 2004 06:39 PM

Do you think the most powerful man in the world has to subject himself to a debate, wherein he might be answerable for something? No way, that's W's job as front man of the Dick Cheney Experience.
As to spoiling the fun, it's just a side benefit to being evil.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.

Posted by Hassan Bar Sinister at July 6, 2004 09:35 PM


Did you put Dick and George up to this:

(Its an all-out attack on Senator Edwards, readied for release at a moment's notice after he was announced).

Not to worry-- bring it on, says the Kerry-Edwards juggernaut. Kerry will get a nice bounce for this-- and it will probably hold to the convention. Come August, he can't spend money, but Bush can (that federal funding stuff), and Bush will get a bounce from his convention... although we in the Big Apple will try to make him hear our feelings toward him from the proximity of our First Amendment Zones several miles away...

Bush will get a little bounce (if he doesn't, he's dead right there), and then its the sprint to the finish after Labor Day, going into the debates (Bush will "magnanimously" agree to more or less the same format as in 2000, lest the refusal become an issue to Kerry's advantage); Dick will actually hold his own against Edwards-- its Dubya that will be massacred... THAT is what I am waiting for...

Posted by the talking dog at July 6, 2004 09:45 PM

Just read that Edwards is a Methodist. Marlon Brando was a practicioner of The Method, in other words, a Methodist. It's all coming together in a synchronicity symphony. Kerry-Edwards can't lose now because Marlon Brando is watching over them and guiding their way. I'm going to go get my healing crystals and chant my mantra.

Posted by WallyCoxLLives at July 7, 2004 11:25 AM

George W. Bush is (cough, cough) also a Methodist... And IIRC, Lee Strassburg and Lee Atwater did not speak to each other...

Posted by the talking dog at July 7, 2004 11:45 AM

Yeah, but which one would Marlon Brando look out for? There, run rings around you logically.

O fraptious day, caloo callay!

Posted by WallyCoxLives at July 7, 2004 12:16 PM

I watched the 11:00 Eyewitness News on Channel 7 last night (not Fox, as you would allege). They announced that Kerry picked Edwards as his running mate at 11:10. Yes, ten minutes into the broadcast. Right before sports and weather. Oooohh, the excitement is building.

Posted by They Call Me Mr. Crabcake at July 7, 2004 03:05 PM

Did they announce whether Brando was endorsing Kerry-Edwards?

Did it give you goose bumps?

Posted by WallyCoxLives at July 7, 2004 03:12 PM

Pass the Xanax, there's another White Rabbit!!! Mind you, oh Talking Dog!!!

Posted by WallyCoxLives at July 7, 2004 03:25 PM

Hey Wally,
Stand back from the ledge, dude.

Posted by They Call Me Mr. Crabcake at July 7, 2004 03:32 PM

Say Calloo Callay
They will put you away
O fraptious one

Posted by WallyCox'sLiver at July 7, 2004 03:41 PM

Calloom Down People!!!

Posted by the talking dog at July 7, 2004 04:20 PM

Kippy Calloo
And Callay too
Wally's brain is goo

Put it back together
And what have you got
Wally's brain's still goo

Posted by WallyCox'sLiver at July 7, 2004 05:05 PM

I think alcoholic beverages are in

Posted by alicia at July 7, 2004 08:06 PM

I am in a moral quandry.
My friend searches for cheating husband on google to screen potential roommates.
He found , but did not visit.
I, on the other hand, searched for investigations and found
I went there and found that is my wife cheating were easier to find than on google.
Should I tell him that his potential roommate is a cheating ?

Posted by V. Dombrosky at July 8, 2004 12:43 AM

"Pass the Xanax, there's another White Rabbit!!! Mind you, oh Talking Dog!!!"

This wasn't me, but an imposter.

Posted by WallyCoxLives at July 8, 2004 08:28 AM

Yes, it was me. I don't know why I deny myself. I guess it was the shame of the calloo callay thing.

Posted by WallyCoxLives at July 8, 2004 09:26 AM

Hey Wally,
How's that whole schizophrenia thing going?

Posted by They Call Me Mr. Crabcake at July 8, 2004 02:24 PM

Mr. Crabcake,

I'd answer that, except I don't know which one of us you are addressing.

Posted by WallyCoxLives at July 8, 2004 03:40 PM

Don't bother. I'm too stupid to follow up with anything worth reading anyway.

Posted by They Call Me Mr. Crabcake at July 9, 2004 10:38 AM

Oh no!!! Due to some freak internet accident involving a radioactive virus, I've horribly mutated.
Kill me now!

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