the talking dog

July 7, 2004, As the White House Melts Down, Hell Freezes Over

I had said I'd believe it when I saw it-- but "Friend of Dubya" Kenneth "Kenny Boy" Lay has been indicted on so-far sealed charges related to his participation in the shenanigans associated with Enron, including stealing billions from the taxpayers of California, and from shareholders and creditors of Enron itself.

Well, well, well. The man whose identity Dick Cheney felt was so sacrosanct that he took it to his duck huntin' buddy on the Supreme Court so as not to disclose it (Kenny Boy, as you recall, was a participant in the "rape, loot and pillage-fest" known as "the national energy policy") has just been indicted. George W. Bush's best friend in the world, until he became a political liability, at which point, the President denied ever knowing him. Kenny Boy, we hardly knew ya!

Well. This will be fun: just another ring in the circus, right now, as things continue right along.

Unlike the rest of us, at least Kenny Boy knows he has a get-out-of-jail free card coming, next January 19th or so.

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I am in a moral quandry.
My friend searches for private investagator on google to screen potential roommates.
He found , but did not visit.
I, on the other hand, searched for investigations and found
I went there and found that typed were easier to find than on google.
Should I tell him that his potential roommate is a spyware freeware ?

Posted by V. Dombrosky at July 8, 2004 12:43 AM

I am in a moral quandry. I am normally opposed to capital punishment, but I am thinking it should be applied to V. Dombrosky.

Posted by WallyCoxLives at July 8, 2004 08:30 AM

Be not afraid of V. Dombrosky, but of the Jabberwock.

Posted by WallyCoxLives at July 8, 2004 01:47 PM

Well don't expect me to clear this up. I'm an idiot and don't know what I am talking about anyway. I just blither on and on with right-wingnut arguments that convince nobody but fellow half-wits.

Posted by They Call Me Mr. Crabcake at July 9, 2004 10:36 AM

Stop with the self-deprecating humor...

Posted by the talking dog at July 9, 2004 12:01 PM

Oh, what a tangled web we weave......

Posted by They Call Me Mr. Crabcake at July 9, 2004 12:29 PM

I'm not trying to be funny. I'm just being accurate for a change. If I had any self-respect, I would vote for the Democratic candidate for president.

Posted by They Call Me Mr. Crabcake at July 9, 2004 12:29 PM

To the genius now using my name-
throw in some punctuation here and there.

Posted by They Call Me Mr. Crabcake at July 9, 2004 12:33 PM


Please go back to posting under your own pseudonyms... You can continue to be as gratuitously inane or insulting as you like, but do kindly do it on your own account, rather than the false flags...

It just leads to too many bad feelings...

I warn you-- while I have no particular interest in blocking specific commenters, and thanks to more spam than we have shipped to the all the mess-halls in Mesopatamia, I can't really take out INDIVIDUAL comments, I DO have the technical ability to end comments altogether with but one click...

Posted by the talking dog at July 9, 2004 01:12 PM

I've nothing to add, other than to continue the above string

Posted by da tawking dawg at July 9, 2004 02:21 PM

Yo, yo, yo. Keep it cool, Brooklyn style

Posted by da tawking dawg at July 9, 2004 02:27 PM

Fine with me.

Posted by WallyCoxLives at July 9, 2004 02:48 PM

So I shared a room once with Brando. It doesn't mean anything.
Well, actually it meant a lot to me, Brando was a god. But to him, I was nothing. He wouldn't even share his drugs with me. But he would make the raccoon bite me in the most embarassing spots.
Even worse, now that he's dead, he hasn't called once.
It never ends.

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