the talking dog

August 25, 2007, Bait and switch (or "April is the new September")

From our friends at WaPo, we give you this analysis of why exactly nothing is going to change once General David Petraeus and Ambassador Ryan Crocker deliver their mid-September report (written by the White House) telling us that The SurgeTM is working beautifully.

In that light, let me suggest that the best thing we can all do vis a vis Iraq is to continue extending the President's blank check to spend American blood and treasure at least until he leaves office. True, it looks like all of a few of the political "benchmarks" associated with a stable Iraqi political situation and accommodation aren't going to be met... nonetheless, given that some Sunnis have decided that "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" and have made a short-term deal against Al Qaeda in IraqTM (we arm them today so that they can battle our Shiite Iraqi Army allies tomorrow)... and that Private Beauchamp is a damned liar... all means that, voila, the blank check must continue until (at least) next April, when we can comfortably reassess everything!

Because we know that given the immense courage shown by Madam Speaker Pelosi and Mr. Majority Leader Reid, if things don't just turn out jolly well better by September April, then we just know we can count on the good faith of the President and the political courage of the Democratic leadership to do the right thing, and help extricate us from Iraq in such a way as to preserve the integrity of our American fighting forces, stability in Iraq, our national and the Middle East's regional interests.

(After the FISA sell-out-- and yes, you will both rot in hell for it, Madam Speaker and Majority Leader Reid-- all I got left is snark.)

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Posted by freepornocliopsr at August 31, 2007 10:10 PM

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