
Supreme… WTF?

I wouldn’t have expected the first GTMO related case taken up by the U.S. Supreme Court in over a decade to involve our old friend Abu Zubaydah (a/k/a Zayn al-Abidin Muhammad Husain) and his quest to break through the state secrets fortress wall in order to get accountability for his egregious torture at the hands of the CIA at a black site in Poland… against the CIA’s contractor psychologists and torture consultants Drs. Mitchell and Jessen, but that is the case argued last week. Andy has more in a comprehensive take on the subject. [To be fair, the Ninth Circuit...

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More milestones of the extended plague year

I would be remiss if I did not use this occasion to wish Mrs. TD a happy anniversary. As of today, we have been married for thirty years. I can only say that three decades’ time– literally the majority of my own life– is difficult to contemplate (even if it is the common term of, say, a home mortgage loan.) Since that autumn day in 1991 when we were married, the world, at least as I observe it, is both terrifyingly different, and terrifyingly not different. Certainly, many kith and kin present that day are no longer with us lo...

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Strange as it is to believe, I have been writing on this blog for TWENTY YEARS. Somehow, you and I are both still alive! I looked it up, and the traditional gift for this one is china, the modern “theme” is platinum, the gemstone is emerald, the colors are emerald and white and the flower is the daylily. God willing, in just ten days time, Mrs. TD and I will be celebrating our thirtieth wedding anniversary. And so here we are. Well, not all of us. I lost TD Dad about six years ago, for example, and many of you...

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And Twenty Years Later…

So here we are! Several things happening at once. This is all a bit awkward for me today, for several reasons. First are the uncomfortable memories of “my own private 9-11,” which, if you don’t know, involved my going to work at my office on Church Street in lower Manhattan one city block north of the World Trade Center complex to get ready for a trial I had scheduled for that particular Tuesday morning. Thus, I bore witness to events from that vantage point– close enough to see some of the poor souls falling out of high floors of the...

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Happy Day before 9-11

Just wanted to say hi y’all! A little technical problems of the plague year bogged us down for the last, oh four months, but we’re back! Didn’t want to miss… September 11th… the most wonderful time of the year (if you’re Dick Cheney!)

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