The Talking Dog "Sure, the dog can talk…but does it say anything interesting?" He ain't The Man's best friend

Yet more stimuluating conversation

The Grey Lady reports that the Senate Democrats (yes those Senate Democrats) may have realized that, in fact, they don’t need 60 votes to pass anything, given that Joe Biden is the Vice-President and Minnesota still hasn’t seated a Senator, 50 votes will be just fine… and so, it seems, they are prepared to go forth and pass the President’s economic stimulus package, the Republicans and their quite-literally-enemies-of-the-people obstructionism be damned. And, Al Giordano, the man with his ear to the pulse of organizing (as led by our community organizer President), lays out how the President is, of course, organizing...

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Stimulating conversation

With a huge majority in both houses, notwithstanding the near “filibuster proof” majority… it appears that the “economic recovery” or “stimulus” package of $900,000,000,000 (yes, that’s $900 billion) in additional deficit spending lacks the votes to pass in the Senate, at least in its current form. It would appear that the problem, as we always knew it would, comes from wavering Democrats who aren’t backing the President, as its not a filibuster threat that’s the rub here, but good old “blue dog” Democrats. Thing is, the “stimulus” is in fact, a big-time progressive initiative finally providing adequate funding to education...

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Candace’s Open Letter to Jeh Johnson

Jeh Johnson is the new General Counsel of the United States Department of Defense. Today, Candace published an open letter to Mr. Johnson in the Huffington Post. With apologies for harkening back to a metaphor used by the Bush Administration, Candace lays out a roadmap for one of Mr. Johnson’s signal tasks as DOD GC: closing Guantanamo. Candace’s letter, in its entirety:

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Backsliding? Is the perfect the enemy of the good?

The LA Times reports that the Obama Administration has decided to retain “extraordinary rendition” amidst the CIA’s officially sanctioned bag of dirty tricks; the practice is simply a euphemism for “kidnapping”. As the piece notes, some human rights groups are less concerned with this “policy option” in the hands of an Obama Administration more committed to the rule of law than its predecessor, but certainly, the program has been problematic, and led to horrific treatment by those kidnapped and handed to the custody of foreign dungeon keepers. (For more background on the subject, I refer you to my interviews with...

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Blogroll Amnesty

February is just loaded with great stuff… from the day we celebrate the births of our 1st and 16th Presidents, to Groundhog Day, to Blogroll Amnesty Day (February 3rd), the only holiday in blogtopia for blogtopia (yiksctt, skippy, etc.). We in blog-world, even those of us who have been “blogging” since one week after 11 Sept. 2001 before the term “blog” or “web log” was even in wide parlance, all too often fall into the solipsism of thinking that what we do is terribly much more than a self-indulgent hobby. This is such an occasion. Prior to the first “blogroll...

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That stands for “what would Steve Gilliard do?” Our old friend, the late Steve Gilliard was a one of a kind; mild-mannered and soft-spoken in person, while his on-line version told truth to power, kept it real, and took no prisoners. Julia provided this moving tribute to Steve on the occasion of the election of our first Black President, something that, to put it bluntly, Steve just deserved to live long enough to see, but sadly, didn’t get to. The occasion of the selection of Michael Steele as the new Chairman of the Republican National Committee makes me get all...

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Bipartisanship is just another word for date rape

It’s really hard to characterize the kind of greeting that The President must have gotten from the (all-White) House Republican Caucus, whom he addressed the other day to try to garner some– some…any at all– Republican support for his massive ecnomic stimulus package, and so he listened politely, proposed removing some family planning expenditures and hearing them out on more tax cuts (for the super-rich)… and, unsuprisingly, if you ask me… he got reaction similar to that received by Sheriff Bart. More specifically, the over $800 billion stimulus package passed the House with 11 Democrats voting against it and not...

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“Closing Guantanamo” Necessary… Not Sufficient

The Grey Lady gives us this profile in snapshot of the Obama Administration’s next Bush-created War-on-Terror detention headache, the nearly 600 men now being held beyond law at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan. (Some background is available in my interview with Tina Foster of the International Justice Network, who is quoted in the Times piece). The Times article does something fascinating– it repeats Bush progaganda that everyone at Bagram was “captured on the battlefield”… and then notes that Ms. Foster has four clients, all of whom were moved there from outside of Afghanistan, but doesn’t seem to highlight the obvious...

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Backsliding will NOT be acceptable

I cannot emphasize that strongly enough: we MUST hold The President’s feet to the fire with respect to what he has made one of the signal aims of his Administration, to wit, the closure of Guantanamo Bay and related illegal facilities. So, although it comes as no surprise to anyone that, as WaPo reports, the Government’s files re the allegations against Guantanamo detainees are in disarray (hat tip to Candace), we simply cannot stand by and allow one of the possible permutations raised in the article, that the Obama Administration may attempt to blame its precedessor for delays in doing...

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Bolt the doors…

It seems The President (yes!) has signed an executive order directing the closure of GTMO and all CIA prisons whereever they may be within a year. The devil may be in the details… but for the moment, this is good.

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