America’s favorite gulag in the news. We’ll start with this Nicholas Kristof op-ed in the Grey Lady, comparing and contrasting the Zimbabwean legal system with the American legal black hole down GTMO way (hint: Zimbabwe comes off better). Note that Kristof devotes several paragraphs to our friend Candace and her client, Abdul al-Ghizzawi, whose plight we are quite familiar with. [We can best be summarize his plight as “he may be dying of chronic liver disease that the government would rather not treat because it has no idea how to treat so it’s all al-Ghizzawi’s fault; for fun, some members...
Continue reading...The Talking Dog "Sure, the dog can talk…but does it say anything interesting?" He ain't The Man's best friend
By 7 votes, Barack Obama has won the Guam caucuses, a crucial harbinger of popular opinion going into “Biggest of What’s Left” Tuesday in North Carolina and Indiana. Both Clinton and Obama pick up two delegates each, with Obama holding on to a projected 136 or so delegate lead. While the much vaunted “momentum” appears to have shifted away from him as a result of Sen. Clinton’s win in Pennsylvania, and of course, the media’s endless fascination with having an angry Black man available to show over and over again (even if he isn’t Sen. Obama himself, Rev. Wright is...
Continue reading...Vox parvi populi
Now that the kids, tweens and teens of the world come to Daddy’s talking dog blog to see pictures of the same people they see on t.v. (and there doesn’t seem to be anyone at all interested in Daddy’s political ravings… what else is new…) it’s time, once again, to get all “controversial” and give you… the Miley Cyrus Vanity Fair photograph above, in which a 15 year old girl pretends to be a statue, and I ask… what is the big deal? [Some of you might also be asking what I’m doing up so late on a Saturday night…...
Continue reading...More Wright Stuff
Well, well… consistent with my post below, former GOP candidate Mike Huckabee makes a similar point to mine: the Rev. Jeremiah Wright needs Obama to lose, to justify his own anger (and though Huck didn’t say it, I will… to justify his own existence as a street corner demagogue). Of course, Obama’s bleeding in the polls continues, as, naturally, working class White people may now have that all-important excuse not to pull the lever for a Black man (even if, as is likely, Obama loses Indiana but still wins much larger North Carolina). Well played, Senator Clinton. And Rev. Wright....
Continue reading...The Most Important Problem Facing America Today
Clearly, as one of the commenters to this Wonkette piece notes, that most important problem facing America today… is the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and thank God that two patriots like Hillary Clinton and Bill O’Reilly can find common ground on it. [Despite my pretensions to the contrary, I just don’t have a black-belt in that particular school of snark. We concede that we are not worthy.]
Continue reading...Media priorities
Regular readers know that with the exception of many Sunday mornings when I turn over blog command to the young ‘un, and post pictures of teen and tween celebrities, that this blog is completely out of touch with what actually constitutes matters of actual importance. Hence, I remain perplexed why it was such a major story (and why it was so critically necessary for) Senator Obama to express his dismay and denouncement of an egomaniacal local demagogue. Spiritual advisor to Obama perhaps, but friend, clearly not. Otherwise, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright would have done his congregant a big favor and,...
Continue reading...TD Blog Interview with Wesley Powell
Wesley Powell is a partner in the New York City office of the law firm of Hunton & Williams, specializing in antitrust law and securities litigation. Mr. Powell represents a number of detainees held at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, as well as a number who have previously been released. On April 4, 2008, I had the privilege of interviewing Mr. Powell by telephone. What follow are my interview notes, corrected as appopriate by Mr. Powell. The Talking Dog: I’ll start with my usual first question, where were you on September 11, 2001? Wesley Powell: I was in the very building I’m...
Continue reading...McCain wins in PA primaries
That’s right: the winner this evening by Hillary Clinton’s likely single-digit margin of victory (now 8 points with 51% of precincts reporting at around 21 00 EDT) is none other than Republican nominee John McCain (who FWIW won the PA Republican primary itself). Why? Because once again, thanks to race-baiting which played well among Whites (some of whom have behaved in a charming manner), and Clinton-favoring demographics (PA being an older and Whiter state than most of the country– the two factors that have consistently favored Sen. Clinton in other states), and some the first big misplays by Team Obama...
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