The Talking Dog "Sure, the dog can talk…but does it say anything interesting?" He ain't The Man's best friend

Your passport to political adventure

The first and still most logical reaction to the announced kerfuffle that each of the three remaining candidates (Clinton, McCain and Obama, in alphabetical order) had their passport files “breached” by State Department contract employees is “wtf”?. The first announced “breach” was of Obama, and his file was accessed three times (at key moments in the primary cycle) while McCain’s and Clinton’s were accessed once each, at different times, though in McCain’s case, by one of the same accessors. The first hope one has is the notion that maybe the powerful needed to be reminded once in a while that...

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Wooden Anniversary

And so we come to the fifth anniversary of George and Dick and Don’s Excellent Iraq Adventure; MSNBC has a bit of a retrospective here. Fifth year traditionally marks the “wood” anniversary (I guess one would give gifts of… furniture or salad bowls?) And in the case of the Bush Administration, wooden sums up the thought processes surrounding the war. With the benefit of a little time, we can now see that there was no basis for anyone to have trusted this Administration in its claims of the allegedly grave threat presented by Saddam, and his now established to be...

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Vox Parvi Populi

This week, I’m going for a teeny-bopper celeb Daddy doesn’t even know about, Selena Gomez from “Wizards of Waverly Place” (click on her picture, and you’ll see how she really feels about one of those other teeny-bopper superstars). Selena is very popular with lots of kids I know. Honestly, she’s very pretty. On the outside. But inside, I’ll bet she’s a raging cauldron of jealousy and anger. And she’ll probably grow up to be a Republican (that’s Daddy saying that.) Speaking of Daddy, he makes me, as always, tell you about his American Street post of the week, called Secrecy...

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Keeping it real

While the media continues its ongoing obsession with sex, money and politics, Candace reminds us that her client Al-Ghizzawi is still dying at the hands of our government. We are holding this man that the military itself has found to be no threat to this country out of sheer spite, and we are continuing to deny him basic medical care while he is quite literally dying as “our guest” at Guantanamo out of even crueler arrogance… all because too many of us think that arbitrarily holding and torturing other human beings “makes us safer”. As I suggested to Andy, whom...

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Vox Parvi Populi

In keeping with Daddy’s sensibilities, for this week, I’m going to talk about something “literary,” and give you a picture of one of the morons (sorry, that’s what they’re called) from one of the leading literary works of our time, Jeff Kinney’s “Diary of a Wimpy Kid”. That’s Greg, the “wimpy kid,” behind the moron, who seems to reading something called “Terp”. Whatever it is, I’m sure it’s more grown-up than “My Pet Goat,” but then, we can’t all be as mature as I am. Daddy, as he makes me do every do week, says to check out “What’s Good...

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Monsters, Ink.

Glenn Greenwald is on, of late. And hence, he puts the Samantha Power kerfuffle in its appropriate perspective, as outlined here in this thoughtful discussion of the remarks of Tucker Carlson on the current practice of symbiotic “journalism”. Like me, Glenn is concerned both with our nation’s inner police state (and how it is relentlessly continuing to assert itself), and with the principal means of getting that police state into place, i.e., the failure of our “fourth estate,” the only profession outside of government recognized in our Constitution. The press has been, to put it politely, falling down on the...

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Never bet against a Clinton

I have been forgetting one of the cardinal rules of American politics, set forth in the post-title above. Might Barack Obama somehow pull off the Democratic nomination, just because more people vote for him in primaries and he has more delegates? Sure… it’s possible. But he is running against Hillary Clinton, current matriarch of what Bruce the Veep politely calls the “Hillbilly MacBeths”. They play to win. Indeed, that is their appeal– really their only appeal. Now that they have finally had a successful play of the race card in TX and OH (and they hope it will also work...

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Mavericky Straight Talk and Stuff

George W. Bush seems satisfied that his party’s standard-bearer won’t be changing courses or anything… as he lauded John McCain for his likelihood in following the super-successful Bush foreign policy of as many unwarranted, irrational and insanely counter-productive wars as we can borrow money to pay for (complete with flushing our moral standing down the toilet). And so, with a President hovering at 19% approval ratings to whom the once-sainted John McCain (who will be 72 come election time) must now wed himself in the interest of holding together the “base” (without whom he has no chance at all, as...

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Vox Parvi Populi

In honor of his buying me Corbin Bleu’s record album (which I and my friend are using in a jump-rope related act in our school talent show), Daddy thought I should post a picture of Corbin Bleu. So here goes. I really didn’t want to post Corbin’s picture, but it’s Daddy’s blog, so I kind of have to do what he wants… he also says to check out his post at AmStreet, “The Big Brotherhood of Man“. What I really wanted to do this week was to put up a picture of Phineas and Ferb, not that Daddy even lets...

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The War on Plagiarism

While Senator Clinton fires wild shots that hit nothing (though the recoil seems to keep knocking her ever further off her game) about Senator Obama’s supposed “plagiarism” by using lines from Mass. Governor Deval Patrick it appears that the nation’s new “war on plagiarism” has claimed its first victim, ironically, unrelated to the Obama team at all, but none other than White House (and former Gary Bauer) aide Tim Goeglein, who seems to have copied huge swathes of his columns published in his (and Frank Burns’) hometown of Ft. Wayne, IN. Ah, the bitter irony of it all. Meanwhile, it...

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