The Talking Dog "Sure, the dog can talk…but does it say anything interesting?" He ain't The Man's best friend

The End Times?

I guess celebrity deaths famously “come in threes”, but I cannot recall another instance where the three involved were all regarded as visionaries, if not revolutionary geniuses, in their respective fields: legendary football coach Bill Walsh passed away at 75, legendary late night talk show host Tom Snyder passed away at 71, and legendary film director Ingmar Bergman passed away at 89. Well, at least those three men managed to make it into their 70’s or beyond. No explanation for why the youngest member of the United States Supreme Court, Chief Justice John Roberts collapsed at his vacation home in...

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The Other U.S. Attorney Scandal

Christy Hardin Smith of Firedoglake gives us this account of a story that our usual “All Paris, Lindsay, Britney, Nicole, Brangelina and their friends all the time” press seems to have ignored… i.e., 24 out of 93 United States Attorney positions are now vacant, and likely will be for the rest of the 541 or so remaining days of the Bush Administration, as not so much as one proposed replacement has been sent to Congress for action. Given the quality of personnel that this President has all-too-frequently placed in high positions in the Department of Justice, starting with the two...

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Nicole Richie to serve four more days than Scooter Libby

The chick famous for being Paris’s sidekick and Lionel’s daughter took a plea deal in L.A. for driving under the influence, and will undergo rehab, pay a stiff fine, and serve four more days in jail than Scooter did. In so doing, she joins her good friend Paris Hilton, and, any day now, Lindsay Lohan, in that category of the “We did more time than Scooter Girls”. Where am I going with this (other than probable mega-hits for mentioning so many celebrities at once)? I’m going to the United States Constitution, specifically Article II, Section 2, Clause 1, which provides:...

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The family values party

I first discussed this issue of the President’s “philosophical” opposition to the idea of children of the working poor receiving government subsidized health insurance in an earlier post; now, it seems, the President has convinced those humanitarians, Senators McConnell and Lott and Congressman Boehner to tag along with him and assert the proposition that, well… insuring poor children is just plain wrong, and doggone it, they’re going to stop it. Well, you have to credit them for consistency; the doctrine of “socialism for the rich super-rich, and capitalism for everybody else” has been consistently advocated from the get-go by the...

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Is there a backbone in the House?

Perhaps there is… interestingly, in House Judiciary Chairman John Conyers of Michigan, the same man who now has the Henry Hyde Memorial “I can impeach you if I feel like it” chair… as Conyers announced he would schedule a vote on a contempt citation to nail the asses of Bush-toadies Josh Bolten and Harriet Miers for their delibrate and contemptuous failure to appear to answer Congressional subpoenas to testify in the U.S. Attorney conspiracy scandal. You’ll recall that the President insists that he can not only order his former subordinates not to testify despite his own failure to properly seek...

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Refined tastes

What to make of the Grey Lady’s lead story that a series of unfortunate events have caused the nation’s refineries to perform well under capacity, thereby depriving the nation of a fair amount of refined petroleum products, which, given steady or increasing demand to fill the nation’s SUVs for those long driveway rides up to the McMansions… has resulted in significant increases in the price of gasoline? Clearly, maintenance delayed is… profitable, at least in the oil patch. (No comment re: the effect of overall delayed maintenance on the nation’s overall infrastructure, such as that of a steam-pipe explosion right...

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The Truth About Everything

That’s sort of a funny post-title, insofar as the actual truth is just one of those things… as I discussed last year with the inconceivably erudite Professor Michael Berube, one way to look at “absolute truths” is that there are really no such things, except perhaps physical laws (gravity, thermodynamics)… all other “laws” (morality, goodness, beauty) are ostensibly social constructs of varying ways– many of which can reach universal consensus– but nonetheless remaining ostensibly “provisional” in nature. Pontificating assholes like Senator Lieberman who make outrageous statements like “only religious people can be moral people or deserve the protections of our...

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Moving goalposts

It should come as a surprise to no one (except perhaps to the feckless Madam Speaker Pelosi and the incomprehensible and feckless Majority Leader Reid) that the Bush Administration’s long-vaunted “September moment of truth” when the Great and Mighty and All-Knowinig General David Petraeus (“he wrote the book on counter-insurgency”)TM would tell us “candidly” whether “progress” was being made in Iraq as a result of The SurgeTM… is just another part of the run-out-the-clock strategy of the Bush Administration’s real Iraq “exit strategy” (i.e. “January 20, 2009” and “Blame Hillary“), as the generals now insist that the September “hard deadline”...

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If the President does it, it can’t be illegal

That statement was famously attributed to Richard Nixon; his ideological heir in executive abuse (and abuse of so-called “executive privilege”) and the “L’Etat c’est moi” sentiment, President George Walker Bush, has taken the statement to the next level, perhaps if possible even out-doing Vice-President Richard Bruce Cheney’s assertion that the Office of the Vice-President isn’t in the executive branch when it comes to following security clearance and document protection protocols, though it is when it is time for the Vice-President to claim “executive” privilege: the White House has announced that where the President invokes executive privilege on anything, the Justice...

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Compassionate Conservatism Forever!

I have said (well, I think I have, anyway) that the actual on-the-ground definition of the President’s so-called “compassionate conservatism” is simple mean-spiritedness (arguably with a patina of racism thrown in). Case in point: the veto threat of a bill that would expand health coverage for uninsured children that has strong bipartisan support. The President’s rationale? It will “encourage people to switch out of [holy and sacred] private insurance”. Let’s think about that: providing health insurance (administered through popular state programs, btw) to uninsured children would encourage people not to insure those children who they are already not insuring. Got...

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