Pointless mission… accomplished

Sorry that some cat seems to have the talking dog’s tongue… blogging has been light non-existent of late, as your talking dog was on a personal physical and spiritual quest… to complete the Pikes Peak Marathon, believed to be one of the five hardest marathon races in the world, in an official time (i.e. less than ten hours, when the course is closed.)
I am pleased to say… pointless mission accomplished! I trained extra hard, and had to leave the East Coast for the first time in six years… but in the end, when I was handed my finishers jacket and medal (retail value $8.95)… well, it just makes it all worth it. Part of the difficulty of Pikes Peak as a marathon is that, other than a few super-humans who live and train on the mountain, most people aren’t actually running most of it. The uphill portion amounts to a hike/death march, followed by hours of rock scrambling (up and down), with a six or seven mile finishing sprint (thankfully… downhill).
What does this have to do with the usual themes of this blog? I’m glad you asked. Because one fun fact I learned is that Katherine Lee Bates wrote “America the Beautiful” after being inspired by a trip to Pikes Peak…. just check out the second stanza.
That is all.
