Regular readers (and thanks for staying with us) are aware that we lost TD Dad back in late 2015. Mrs. TD’s Dad is still going strong at 93; happy Father’s Day to him, and to TD Brother, TD Brother-in-Law, and to all the rest of you fathers out there.
Cryptocurrencies and assorted other Ponzi schemes (like, perhaps, the stock market?) seem to be collapsing, and inflation is exploding, and so, the Federal Reserve is jacking up interest rates. Donald Trump seems to still be the right-wing kingmaker, even as the January 6th hearings roll on.
This is a bit overdue: Andy’s discussion of Candace’s client. You may find it interesting.
Because our friend Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine rolls on, the media conveniently ignored the gravest climate change report to date, so that we can continue to amuse ourselves with whatever the Kardashians are up to.
Shit has been real in TD-world this year– to the point where it has been somewhat difficult to talk about the shit that has been real in the world writ large. So here we are. Just hug your loved ones, and in the immortal words of Henry James, “Three things in human life are important: the first is to be kind; the second is to be kind; and the third is to be kind.”
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