Iran is a dagger pointed at the heart of Texas

Tough talk a Bruxelles today from Secretaire d’Etat Incompetentalleezza Rice, at a NATO meeting, where she more or less said Iran remains a bone of contention between the United States and Europe, according to this from Le Monde. Watching “Dr. Rice” even without the sound as I did this morning in a midtown coffee shop is disconcerting enough; had I had the sound on and listened to the same kind of drumbeat now sounding vis a vis our coming war with Iran that we heard with respect to our last war with Iraq would be… depressing.
Hence, I’d much rather read about her ravings in the measured, mellifluous language used by Le Monde (i.e., Freedom). Rice’s lambastings of European efforts at negotiating with Iran are just a little too reminiscent of her prior efforts to undermine the work of UN weapons inspectors in Iraq. And her invocation of the UN Security Council is just a little too reminiscent of her predecessor’s least finest hour…
Well, Iran must be stopped. Yada yada yada mushroom cloud, terrorism, obstacle to peace, yada yada yada…
Iran? Mais ouis…
