September 9, 2003, I'm So Tired
Within just hours of a major suicide bombing in the Tel Aviv area, another bomb exploded at a crowded cafe in Jerusalem, killing an unknown number and wounding scores.
I'm pretty sure that these events, coupled with the inevitable Israeli follow-on response, have shown us that the "Roadmap for Peace" can be folded up and put away. As you know, I do not (any longer) profess to have the right answers, although I am pretty sure of the wrong answers, and those tend to be pretty consistent with the Sharon government's policies, which seem almost designed to be provocative. In fairness, its not as if Hamas, Al Aqsa Martyrs Brigade or Islamic Jihad need too much provocation. This is all too horrible to comprehend. But then, what else is new.
We are, of course, less than two days away from the current American government's favorite day of the year: September 11th Exploitation Day, where the President can pander to voters in the South and Midwest on the blood of people killed in the New York area, a region that by and large did not vote for the President nor did it then nor does it now support his policies (especially "pre-emptive war"). I shudder that these events in Israel may be related to September 11th or Al Qaeda-- but then, as a (minor) Department of Homeland Security official, who questioned the government's cuts to that agency in the days before said Exploitation Day, noted, "these anniversaries mean something to these nuts."
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