September 15, 2003, All Together Now
It should come as a surprise to no one that for the second time in four years, World Trade Organization talks aimed at a new global trade agreement collapsed, this time in Cancun, Mexico. The big sticking point, surprise, surprise, is the insistence of the First World (that's the United States, the EU and Japan) on costly and unfair agricultural subsidies, which have the salutory effect of propping up politically powerful fat cats at the expense of First World consumer and Third World farmer alike. We should all be proud.
The best part of this arrangement, from the standpoint of the usual suspects, is that by keeping Third World economies from developing (and that's quite literally what the agricultural subsidies are doing), we are shooting First World economies in the foot in several different ways. As noted above, of course, we are artificially raising the price of agricultural products above what a competitive price would be in our own markets. In addition, agriculture is usually the best developed industry in most Third World nations (especially places like sub-Saharan Africa or Southern Asia); while we make rules about manufactured products, even textiles is, generally, a far less significant matter than agricultural products. If we allowed these nations to generate some good old cash, they could go a lot farther in developing decent infrastructures and more advanced industry than all of the aid packages all of the NGOs in the all the world could dream up.
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, by keeping so much of the world in never-ending poverty just to advance the selfish interests of a tiny group of mostly American and French farmers (yes, that's what we're doing), we keep general labor conditions in the Third World appropriately miserable, and so, continue the incessant pressure to outsource more and more First World (or at least American) jobs to said Third World-- the wage differential is just that great.
In short-- a trifecta of benefits for the neo-Victorian policies of the Bush Administration: bigtime "agribusiness" benefits, the American consumer suffers via higher prices , AND the American worker lives in ever greater fear of their jobs. Third World misery is just an added bonus.
Well to be fair it’s not just the French but the other EU farmers as well; I guess the other thing is that EU subsidises are directed in many cases at relatively small owner operators and peasant-type families (some commercialised sectors like the UK’s aside) and they can play the David vs. goliath card. Ironically the US while having the same farming population structure, tends to subsidise its biggest more concentrated large farmers rather than the smaller poor ones (in the recent cotton subsidy frex, the beneficiaries are disproportionately a relatively narrow bunch of v big cultivator-corporations, while quite a few thousand small farmers don’t get all that much by way of benefits. On the other hand, I suppose it is what you would expect from this White House administration.
The main reason that I can see behind the current collapse is that: the LDCs realised that they got stiffed in the Doha round with GATS, TRAI etc. the effects of which were realised quite late in the day and were outmanoeuvred by the richer countries into agreeing on lopsided timetables and secondly this time round the WTO Director-General, Panitichkopadai is a man of some integrity and on balance inclining towards developmental goals as the end, rather than trade liberalisation, which he sees more as a means. Unlike his predecessor, he has not been willing to indulge in strong-arm tactics to force smaller LDCs into agreements and has substantially corrected the bias towards the G-7 agenda that dominated the last trade round. Of course the problem is not whether one should liberalise but what kind of liberalisation there should be; the prevailing orthodoxy seems to be even a skewed liberalisation is better than the status quo. I am less convinced but the jury is still out on this one as it rests on other non-trade factors.
One small quibble I have is that I don’t think that the bush admin can be described as “neo-Victorian” apart from its labour relations policy. Apart from anything else, the Victorians were real avid free traders, and in agricultural produce and didn’t subsidise business fiscally (which would have been seen as heretical) though they did favour it through military-foreign policy. Of course the Victorians could afford this luxury, as Britain was the first country to industrialise and therefore didn’t need tariff barriers to protect itself from the late-starters but did need large imports of foodstuffs and raw materials to feed its labour force and industry. Actual free trade reflected its needs as much as its ideology, in the case of the Bush admin, things seem to be stuck purely at the ideological level.
Posted by Conrad Barwa at September 15, 2003 09:39 PM
It is never a mistake to say good-bye.
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