the talking dog

November 10, 2003, If I Feel

I haven't really done a post about the decision of the CBS network to scrap its miniseries called The Reagans (just showing it on cable outlet Showtime), which, starring James Brolin as the Gipper and Judy Davis as Nancy Reagan looked potentially hilarious. I mean, Ron and Nancy themselves might have gotten a big kick out of it.

Of course, the Reagan sainthood industry wasn't very happy with that. Blogdom's own minstrel Mad Kane sings of their woes. Fortunately, right wing bullies can take pride; just as they once forced a Dade County election board to back down from actually counting votes under threats of physical intimidation, well, CBS has backed down under threats of fiscal intimidation (an advertising boycott). Ah, makes me want to go out and buy a brown shirt myself. (Not.)

Anyway, the most amusing part of it is how Reagan himself might feel. I personally feel making a mock-piece about a 92 year old guy with Alzheimers is mean-spirited and wrong, even if you are Barbra Streisand's husband and the guy you are mocking is Ronald Reagan. But that's just me. I tend to think Reagan himself would have a sense of humor about it, such as his distancing himself from an idiotic "Reagan Legacy Project" movement started a few years ago by the loathsome creep Grover Norquist and others to have a "Reagan memorial" in every county in America (that's over 3,000 of them). My recollection of Reagan's reaction was something like: "Memorials? Hey, I'm not dead..."

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During the row, one got a sense for poor opinion of the American people held by both the right wing and the mainstream media. Conservatives were complaining, "People will believe that this is true," perhaps working on the assumption that one should give no credit where no credit is due. CBS therefore toyed with the notion of informing viewers of the movie that it was just a movie and not a history lesson. Will Americans eventually be force-fed media literacy?

Posted by sanson at November 11, 2003 08:01 AM

Yep, the Gipper had a sense of humor -- Watts in charge of the environment and Meese in charge of enforcing Civil Rights...

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