January 18, 2004, Iowa Sunday Morning: The Plot Thickens
This Des Moines Register poll has this race in an astounding posture: (1) Kerry with 26%, (2) Edwards with 23%, (3) Dean at 20%, (4) Gephardt at 18%. The smart money just a week ago would have reversed this order; given the 4 point margin of error in this poll, the smart money may still be right. But what a horse race, anyway.
Wes Clark, who has been sitting Iowa out along with Lieberman and Sharpton, picked up the key endorsement of Michael Moore (joining Madonna), with George McGovern slated to throw his immensely valuable support later today (to be fair, I like McGovern a great deal; I just wouldn't go crazy to seek out his endorsement!) General Clark's key unstated endorsement is that of his chief fundraisers the Clintons, though for obvious self-serving reasons, they cannot and will not officially endorse him until he's a done deal,
I enjoyed watching NBC's Tim Russert cut Dick Gephardt a new one (IMHO) this morning. He asked Gephardt to defend some of his stupider statements ("I can issue an executive order to overturn any Supreme Court decisions I don't like", or "I sold out the Democratic Party on the war to... make Bush have a plan... yeah that's it." ) Gephardt is a fringe player in single digits in New Hampshire in a pretty much must-win situation in Iowa, polling badly at the moment. It would be good if he were forced out of this race; he can't win, and he forces some issues (like free trade and farm subsidies) in irrationally bad directions.
Iowa blogger Homercles of Space Monkey Leader concurs with this assessment, though he feels the best organized candidates are Dean and... wait for it... John Kerry (though he notes a disproportionate number of Kucinich signs). Homercles is a bit down on Gephardt, which may prove to be a consensus among caucus goers, especially if the decision comes down to "who can we put up who will actually be capable of winning a general election?"
Iowa blogger Royce of the Iowa Libertarian seems to be by-passing caucus coverage, instead giving us this picture of bodaciously attractive French libertarian politician Sabine Herald.
For an Iowa caucus treasure trove, get thee to the Cedar Pundit, though I found the site irritating to log onto, but once in... you'll get gems like Cedar's description of close family members working as Dean precinct captains, his call on the hypocrisy of Democrats (that's YOU Dick Gephardt) vis a vis voter registration procedure and their war stance (that's YOU Howard Dean who got a medical exemption from Vietnam only to go on an extended ski vacation during the war), and Cedar notes that Clark is widely perceived as a mad man, and...drum roll... his Iowa caucus predicted order of finish:
1. John Edwards
2. John Kerry
3. Howard Dean
4. Dick Gephardt
5. Joe Lieberman
6. Dennis Kucinich
7. Wesley Clark
8. Al Sharpton
As I said... a treasure trove... well worth wading through the server problems I encountered.
Just another day until the "Iowa wall to wall". Bloggers of the world-- unite. You have nothing to lose except your grain... no, that doesn't make any sense. Send me your Iowa related posts-- and they will get the ignominious distinction of a talking dog post. Be here. Aloha.
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