the talking dog

February 6, 2004, The Horror...

I move my visit to Pravda up a day to give you its version of this horrifying news out of Moscow, where a bombing in a subway car has left at least 39 dead and hundreds injured.

We will suppose that the Chechens will be blamed for this, whether justly or not. Assuming it is indeed the act of Chechen separatists/terrorists, one might question why, after a decade of brutality, Muscovites and other Russians continue to be subjected to this sort of horror, even as most Russians favor seeking a negotiated solution in Chechnya. Putin nonetheless insists on holding a brutal, hard-line; indeed, this position is credited with having thrust him into power. One is left to wonder whether the solution to Chechen revolution is Putin. IMHO this presents us with a very cautionary tale about fighting "wars on terror", a lesson we seem to be encountering ourselves in Mesopatamia right now (and Israel has been encountering for years).

No, no one expects anyone to roll over and just take it; but at some point, we must recognize that the solution to violence of this kind will not ultimately be simply more brutal violence directed the other way.

Unfortunately, it looks like hundreds of ordinary Muscovites have just paid the ultimate price for their leadership's national intransigence. Just awful.

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