February 11, 2004, All Hail Kerry, the Conquering Scumbag?
Regulars readers of this blog know damned well that John Kerry is less than my first choice to be the Democratic standard bearer. I did say that as a loyal Democrat, I would support him if he were the nominee.
The Unseen Editor sends me something that gives me pause: this Washington Post piece noting that a Kerry fundraiser was used to fund anti-Dean attack ads. It should also be clear to all that I am a "character" voter (FWIW, I voted for both Mondale in '84 and Dole in '96, and obviously Gore in '00).
Ronald Reagan's 11th commandment was to not speak ill of another Republican. Well, the Dems have no such commandment, but this sure looks like a Karl Rove type dirty tactic to me. Maybe Dean was destined to self-destruct anyway. Maybe the voters didn't like him. Or maybe... Dean was slimed by a slithering scumbucket from his own party.
There were also Karl Rove style "push-polls" in Iowa and New Hampshire, all while a smirking candidate pretended to stay above the fray. Remind you of anyone? That's kind of my point: we'll be replacing one irritating, dirty-rat-bastard Skull and Bones member with another. That's progress? We're supposed to be better than them-- not just better at being them than them.
We report, you decide... Maybe its just me, but this kind of thing bothers me.
Sens. Kerry and Toricelli were quite the Lotharios at a certain point in time in the early 1990s. Doubtless, if not partners in crime, they probably bonded back in the day.
I wonder if they hung out any with Gary Condit?
Posted by Monica Lewinsky at February 11, 2004 05:56 PM
Thank you for raising this -- almost no one is talking about it. I am ABB myself and will hold my nose and vote for Kerry in the gerneral election if I must, but these tactics really stink. The more I learn, the more unhappy I am with Kerry being ahead. Gebhardt's people also seem to have been in on this. For Shame!!
Posted by djmm at February 11, 2004 06:02 PM
I am in a moral quandry.
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