the talking dog

March 11, 2004, And in today's unbelievable atrocity news...

At least 173 people are dead in a series of bomb blasts about rush hour commuter trains in Madrid, Spain. There is a Spanish general election coming up this week.

Naturally, the Basque separatist group ETA is being blamed for this, although an ETA spokesman blamed some "Arab separatists" somewhere; given Spanish PM Aznar's (highly irresponsible) decision to support the American adventure of aggression against Iraq-- maybe this explanation is not impossible. (Recall last year's attack in Casablanca, Morocco which included Spanish targets, as well, as, of course, Jewish ones).

On the other hand, this attack, though larger by several orders of magnitude over other ETA attacks, is in the mode of other ETA attacks (early morning, evidently using parcel bombs, attacks on trains), and ETA could well be keen on disrpupting a national general election, in which Aznar's party-- which is hard line against ETA--is the favorite.

Don't know, don't know. By scale and scale alone, it would be most likely the act of Islamist nuts-- though, as noted above, even as Spanish officials knee-jerk blamed ETA; maybe they are right to do so.

This is a problem with a generic "war on terror"-- terrorism is just a method of
political warfare, and is easily adaptable to use by an infinite array of players-- domestic as well as foreign. As I know all too well, in the 21st century, given the massive scale of terrorist assaults these days, with hundreds or thousands killed at a time (think Moscow, Bali and Iraq, as well as 9-11 and now Madrid), vague fears of terrorism by people in the civilized world (especially, though not exclusively, in major world financial and political capitals) will no longer be vague. People sitting at their desks, or now more likely, on their way to work, are just another "legitimate target" in the minds of extremists.

Why can't we all just get along?

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Terrorists ALL have two things in common. First they target what the Geneva Convention calls 'protected peoples'. Second they are state supported. If they attack enemy soldiers they are irregulars or guerrilla fighters. If they have no State support, they are criminals. So the only way to stop terrorists is to remove their state support. That means going after Tyrants and Despots of all types. Representative governments DO NOT use the slaughter of innocents as a political tool.
And we will NEVER 'all just get along'. The best that can be hoped for is sitting down and talking instead of killing. Jaw Jaw is better then War War. The problem with the Muslim Fascists is that they won't talk to us. Humans are 99.9% the same genetically, but the cultural programing varies. Sort of like a bunch of computers that have the same basic parts, but different operating systems. The OS is the the culture you are born into. So as long as there are different cultures, there will be conflict. when everyone has the same OS, conficts will stop.
Now the question is, which Culture should be the one that ends up on top? Do you want a culture that keeps females as slaves? That abhors freedom and individule experession, scientific progress and human rights. Or do you want a culture that celebrates human rights and the dignity of man? I think from reading this blog that you think that Tyranny is a great thing and that allah knows all. If I am wrong about that, then you have only your words to blame for my mistake. If you love freedom and human rights then you need to ask yourself why you are fighting against the people trying to preserve them FOR YOU. If you run from a fight , you are a coward. It makes no difference why you run. There are as many reasons for cowardice as there are cowards. To steal a line; "You have nothing to fear but fear itself". If Kerry wins, the Taliban wanna-be's win. Think about that when you vote this november. I assure you that a hell of a lot of Americans will be.
Kerry akbar

Posted by ableiter at March 11, 2004 01:04 PM

There seems to be no good reason why we can't all just get along. Except that children are raised to hate and fear.

Does that mean the solution is to take all at-risk children away from their social/cultural/familial matrix of hate and fear and raise them with love and acceptance and trust? If only we could.

Posted by Sarah at March 11, 2004 03:24 PM


Yes, indeed, Al qaeda is state sponsored. That state just happens to be Saudi Arabia-- with some help maybe from Pakistan. Two states that are btw untouchable UNDER THIS PRESIDENT.

You have it backwards my friend-- this President is hopelessly in bed with the Saudi monsters who are unleashing this terror; as long as he is in the White House, the situation is actually unresolvable-- how can he fight terrorists when he is their principal ally? In my simple answer formay, I'll tell you: he can't. If you REALLY cared about defeating terrorism, you would be actively supporting the Democratic candidate.

Al qaeda (despite the Spanish knee-jerk blaming of ETA) has claimed responsibility in Madrid; the coordinated nature of the attacks and massive death toll, as I said, did suggest them. Aznar brought this on his own people, something like over 80% of whom vehemently opposed the Iraq aggression. Well...

As to the people trying to preserve MY freedom (which clearly doesn't include you) let me say that the current American regime represents an infinitely greater threat to my life and liberty than Osama bin Laden ever did (and he missed me by 100 yards on 9-11-01, btw).

Posted by the talking dog at March 11, 2004 09:17 PM

It's 11:00 on a Thursday night.
I've got nothing better to do.
I say, "I'll log on the old TD."
To check out a bon mot or two.

Create us blog, you're the TD man
Write on your blog tonight.
Cause we're all in the mood for some liberality.
And you've got us feeling uptight.

We all know it's him we've been coming to see.
From Maxine Waters to Muggsy.
And we sit at the 'board and post comments in his site,
And say "man, why don't we get a life."

Posted by doorman at March 11, 2004 11:45 PM

Very inspired, Doorman.
Does this mean you're going to spew out thirty years of tired ditties, putrid pop, and lame so called rock & roll like the originator of that song?

Posted by Herb Hoover at March 12, 2004 10:46 AM

If you REALLY cared about defeating terrorism, you would be actively supporting the Democratic candidate.

Because Democrats are known for their hardline stance toward Saudi Arabia?

And if you really believe that George Bush is a greater threat to your life and liberty than Osama bin Laden, then you're losing it. I say that as a concerned reader.

Posted by Lawrence at March 12, 2004 03:45 PM

Dear TD,
Has your blog turned into a Flame Site? Or are some folks doing "show and tell" on what it means to hate?

Posted by Sarah at March 12, 2004 04:31 PM


This is a "First Amendment Zone"-- that's a big term in the Bush Administration! All opinions are welcome (though gratuitous obscenities are welcome only from ME!)

Lawrence-- OBL is either dead or in a strategic box in a remote part of Pakistan; in fact-- you heard it hear-- he will be captured in precisely 39 days (Hitler's birthday). Yes, he is a maniac and a psychopathic killer, and no, our President is neither of those things. But in custody or effective custody, OBL is simply not a threat. ALSO-- 9-11 was a one-off; since I no longer travel on airplanes (you know my mother survived a plane crash-- it took her years to climb back on; I consider my proximity to 9-11 close to surviving a plane crash, though not quite...)As a one-off, that means... a one-off. Theoretically possible to repeat-- but extremely unlikely-- certainly not in the same manner.

George W. Bush, however, is in command of my country. Don't get me wrong-- you'll get no "Bush=Hitler" bullshit on THIS site. What Bush actually is, is grossly negligent and incompetent; so for that alone, he is putting ALL of our lives in danger, and he is no friend of our constitution.

But REASONABLE people may disagree; besides-- I never pretend to be "non-partisan". So vote for Kerry-McCain!!! (Or Kerry-Whoever).

Posted by the talking dog at March 12, 2004 04:57 PM

Ahh, if OBL is dead then I must of course agree that he poses no threat. You had me worried for a sec. However, al Qaeda is still conspiring and, while I hope that you're right, I don't share your confidence that it can't happen again, so I'll be voting for who I think can best prevent it. I tell you this though, if you're right about 4/20 you'll have convinced me and I'll vote for someone not named Bush. Promise.

[A]re some folks doing "show and tell" on what it means to hate?

Yeah, it was on full display in Madrid on Thursday.

Posted by Lawrence at March 12, 2004 05:57 PM

...he is no friend of our constitution...
How can you say? I'll give you a little wiggle room room on the fourth amendment ie. patriot act.
However he is not part of the PC crowd
that wants to control the lexicon. Now I hear using the phrase "illegal alien" is a no-no. So Bush is not infinging on the first amendment. I think we all agree on his stance on the second amendment. He went to congress for war authorization and got it.

btw... how did the world get safer under Clinton? By pretending we all can get along. It's safe to say the planning for 9/11 didn,t begin on January 20, 2001.

PS good sight. Reasonable people can disagree.

Posted by midnight cowboy at March 13, 2004 08:19 AM

Truth is a kind and gentle lie.

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