the talking dog

March 21, 2004, A Random Jog Around...

First, let me tell everyone that Time-Warner Cable sucks. I have had maybe 15 minutes of internet access all weekend, despite the rather healthy premium I pay each month for its (*&&^%y) monopoly service.

Hence, this week's visit to Pravda has been delayed a bit. Its a shorty but goody: Trent Lott's statement to Russian media that the GOP leadership envies President Putin the degree of support he receives from the Duma and the rest of Russian government. Jeebus: the GOP controls both Houses and Congress and the White House, and much of the judiciary (having had the Presidency for 23 of the last 35 years). That's not enough? Apparently, Trent and the gang won't be happy until they have a Putin style autocracy.

Well, that's certainly good news, if you ask me. It means we don't have one here now!

Meanwhile, we'll here from a more moderate voice, that of Joe Gandelman, who tells us of the upcoming 60 Minutes interview of former White House terrorism expert Richard Clarke, who... blames Bush for a lapse of security that may have led to 9-11 (along with noting Rummy's obsession with attacking Iraq, even after it was established that the 9-11 attacks probably originated from AFghanistan). As with Paul O'Neill's statements, I will say again: there are very few "independent" voters in this round-- there are simply strong, or not so strong, feelings about Bush. Voters fall into the group of pissed-off people who hate him (more than love him, IMHO, though still hardly close to a majority), cheerleaders who love him to the point of supporting him even if he knife-raped a nun on live t.v. (many... far too many in a democracy, actually... the whole right wing blogosphere with the exception of some of our commenters)..., and a oretty fair number-- probably the largest number by far-- that fall into the "well, I kind of like the guy, I think he's kind of appropriately tough on terrorism, but you know, the tax cuts really are irresponsible and I'm kind of worried about the economy and the future, and its not like I want to go up and hug Kerry..."

That last group often stays home, if they are even registered to vote. Our anachronistic (and as the last election has shown us, ridiculous, anti-democratic, and downright dangerous) electoral college system basically means that about 8, maybe 10 states, will decide this election. Its really how this all plays in those states that matter; I should point out that that means we in New York will miss out on all the GOOD ADS, except for what we pick up off the net...

Finally, in my periodic jogger blogger segment, I took a jog around my part of Brooklyn this morning, passing a St. Patrick's Day parade in the vicinity of Prospect Park West, and then, near my house, the aftermath of a rally hosted by our local state assemblywoman (Joan Millman) at a closed fire house, protesting the City's closure of that and a few other fire houses. It reminded me of yesterday's rally in Manhattan, to mark the one year anniversary of the formal start of the Iraq adventure.

It made me think of this as "close the barn door after the horse has fled" weekend. The firehouses struck me as kind of easier: they were closed to save maybe $12,000,000 in a City budget well over a thousand times that. To me, more prudent cutbacks would be the security details of RudyGiuliani (millions a year, I understand, at public expense, even though St. Rudy is now a sought after speaker and consultant who can afford his own security) and Mayor Bloomberg himself who insists on living in his own townhouse rather than Gracey Mansion (causing double security expense). But... we didn't get it done-- the firehouses are closed. Ditto the big "anti-war" rally. The war happened-- we can't take it back. Protest Bush if you like-- God knows, I hope to have an opportunity to do so at the upcoming GOP convention. But calling for us to pull out of Iraq, now, immediately?

You see- this sort of things costs us liberals our credibility; this has to be better thought out than "Bring the troops home tomorrow morning". A recent ABC Poll (I think Unqualified Offerings has referenced it) shows that despite what we may think, 70% of Iraqis like the direction their country is going in. What that means is-- don't be so fast to pull out. Sure, we've made a hash of the occupation, and the whole war was probably unjustified, but at least something good came out of it: the Iraqi people are free of a really bad tyrant. Hey, we haven't secured the place, and other things suck... but we can't ignore those 70% poll numbers.

Sadly for Bush, his domestic approval ratings of the direction THIS country is going in are a wee bit lower...

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No time for a story, but this memo is an eye opener.

To: Crew
From: Karl
Re: New Demographic

We found a new voting demographic that will be as crucial as Nascar Dads come November. We're not sure what to name it, or even if naming it is a good idea (since the other side may play to it).

Here's the following scenario, for which marketing says tests well across the board for the demographic.

Impotus is in a crowd of ordinary supporters, all middle Americans. It's a bright sunny day. As usual, the flag is in every shot, and in every angle.

The sun shines directly in Impotus's eyes, and he raises up a stiff right arm to block the sunlight, palm out.
The crowd responds by raising their right arms out stiffly too.

The camera then cuts to the Service holding back a young African-American girl, who wants to get Impotus's attention. Impotus notices her, and like Jesus with the little children, waves her forward.

The girl is all smiles as she approaches Impotus, and points to his downed pants zipper. Impotus laughs that his zipper is down, and he lets her zip him up. Impotus grins, and embraces her. The crowd applauds in approval.

Cut to scene of cruise missiles taking off from a Navy ship. Then quick cut to Impotus behind jet fighter controls as he lands on carrier. Then cut to scene of Saddam statue being lowered to the ground. Final cut to smoking ruins of Baghdad.

I think this is the better approach than pushing rumors of an affair with Condi.

Posted by Bernie Z at March 21, 2004 11:30 PM

For the most part, it's difficult to argue with you that pulling out tomorrow would be a bad move, even a morally hollow move, after the mess we have made in Iraq.

On the other hand, there is an excellent argument that peace and success, as we perceive them, are not achievable, no matter how much money and blood we pour into the effort. It is really a choice of accepting failure and cutting our losses or pursuing a sick dream until our failure is so obvious that we have to leave anyway.

Moreover, each success in Iraq is actually a failure and a loss for America, as new and nifty things get built over there at great expense while they crumble back at home. Every dollar -borrowed- to be spent there would be better spent at home. Great for them, not so great for us.

Posted by Damfa at March 22, 2004 01:06 AM

Hey Dog, You out there, boy?
No posting for two days. Whattaya too busy reading the Commission Report on how many times Bill & Madeline blew (sorry) opportunities to nail OBL? Okay, Condi didn't know Al Qaeda her first day in school, but she didn't have an eight year learning curve. Someone was too busy hanging out in the back stairwell.

Posted by Senor Rick at March 23, 2004 12:02 PM

Hey Dog, You out there, boy?
No posting for two days. Whattaya too busy reading the Commission Report on how many times Bill & Madeline blew (sorry) opportunities to nail OBL? Okay, Condi didn't know Al Qaeda her first day in school, but she didn't have an eight year learning curve. Someone was too busy hanging out in the back stairwell.

Posted by Senor Rick at March 23, 2004 12:02 PM

Actually, Condoleeza Rice was warned, according to sworn testimony, in the strongest possible terms by Sandy Berger that al Qaeda was a huge threat and should have top priority. She was also warned of this in strong terms by Richard Clarke, the administration's top counter-terrorism expert, and the President was warned, apparently, daily by George Tenet. If Ms Rice is entirely free of error in all of this, why won't she testify under oath? There are cetrainly many safeguards that can eb used to prevent revealing classified information. My guess, and it is just a supposition, is that there is solid documented evidence that she made some huge errors and therefore will not testify under oath because she wishes to cover those errors and hole that the documentation does not come out. As for President Clinton and Madeleine Allbright failing to "nail" bin Laden, that is unfortunate and there are many explanations being offered for it which the literate can find easily enough. Even if those explanations strike one as inadequate, does that mean the failures of the Bush administration are okay, given that they were in fact being warned strongly and repeatedly of the dangers of a domestic attack?

Posted by dean at March 24, 2004 03:33 PM

Au contraire, Dean. The failures of the Bush administration in protecting against terrorist attacks were abysmal. However, the parties that allowed the wound of terrorism to fester unabated for eight years, should not blame the scab alone for the damage that they've done.

Posted by Senor Rick at March 24, 2004 10:12 PM

However, the parties that allowed the wound of terrorism to fester unabated for eight years, should not blame the scab alone for the damage that they've done.

Heh. The name is not "scab"-- its SHRUB. (Unless you want to correctly note that the President used the creation of the Department of Homeland Security principally as a union busting measure, and only a distant second as a "security" measure, in which case "scab" has a nice ring to it.)

I don't think anyone is going to argue that the Clinton Administration behaved flawlessly in the anti-terrorism context... However, President Reagan was always fond of making the statement "I could try to blame others, but this happened ON MY WATCH". (Maybe I'm just remembering his speeches fondly-- particularly when juxtaposed against a guy who can't utter a clear English sentence.)

It had been a standard Bush tactic, NOT as Sr. Rick benevolently does, to try to offer "shared responsibility" with other administrations (which after all, is probably historically accurate) but to blame the ENTIRE PROBLEM on ONE past (Democratic) Administration... even as it becomes crystal clear that the Clinton Administration took terrorism and AL Qaeda INFINITELY more seriously than did its successor (obsessed as it was with reliving Cold War fantasies like Star Wars and completing Poppy's work of "getting Saddam"-- even though neither had ANYTHING to do with the security of the United States-- which explains the magnitude of the LAPSE in security under its watch).

I'll just say this to Dubya: 9-11 happened on YOUR WATCH, big guy. Ergo--while it may not be "100%"-- the buck stops with YOU. YOU let us down. Maybe, in retrospect, the attack couldn't have been stopped. But, then again, its sure not shaping up that way...

Posted by the talking dog at March 24, 2004 10:58 PM

The one thing that all who testify at the 9/11 hearings agree upon is that even if OBL was taken out prior to 9/11, the attacks would still have happened. When do you think planning began, 9/10? Yeah, maybe 9/10/99. Your boy Clinton had the rare opportunity to summon world support, after the attacks on the embassies in Africa. An attack on an embassy is not an attack against the embassy's country, nor against the host country. It is an attack on the civilized world, which believes in the sanctity of a foreign embassy, even in the most evil regime. Clinton could have gone to the UN, with the evidence they had on Al Qaeda, and with the UN, forced Afghanistan to turn over Bin Laden and his henchman, or face the wrath of the entire free world. He would have had full legal grounds, and sympathetic support, since most of those victims were Africans. Instead, he aimed one missile toward a dirt compound in Afghanistan, one toward a medical factory in the Sudan, and one toward Monica. Bush did not do enough, but he did not have the opportunities that Clinton had.

Posted by Senor Rick at March 25, 2004 12:27 PM

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