the talking dog

April 18, 2004, Multi-lateralism with Chinese characteristics

I had no idea what I was stepping into by bringing you a snippet of thought from Beijing each week-- but these guys are at least TELLING us what we should be doing (even as presumably they're not doing it themselves either) such as this report from the People's Daily on the merits of international coooperation in various endeavors (such as multilateral peacekeeping).

I also was most amused to read about Chinese premier Hu Jin-tao's meeting with American premier Dick Cheney , in Washington earlier in the week, a meeting not otherwise widely reported here (amidst news of Bush's fake press conference, and Bush's tacit recognition of Israel's right to exist and to steal Arab land). Our actual leader promised Hu that soon he will be hosted by our nominal/official leader later in the year.
Cheney thanked Hu for helping out with that Korea thing.

Given how hopelessly over-extended the United States is now, we (ahem) need the help. Of course, this overextension is thanks to the sound policies and intelligent planning of our own "Dear Leaders"-- Messrs. Bush and Cheney. I guess that's a fair way to put it, seeing as BOTH must appear (privately) before the 9-11 Commission, though as I have said in other contexts, would Charlie McCarthy appear without Edgar Bergen? Jerry Mahoney without Paul Winchell? Madam without Waylon Flowers? John Raven without blogger Joe Gandelman?

As Sinatra sang: "You can't have one without the other..."

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I hear Hillary on the radio today say:
"It's been said that my husband was obsessed with terrorists in general, and Al Qaeda in particular." Is this bitch psychotic, or just the biggest liar since her husband. Obsessed? Were they hiding under the fat broad's dress? One lousy missile at a pile of dirt in Afghanistan? Lets OBL get away several times. Did nothing about Mogadishu, Kenya, Tanzania, The Cole or WTC I. Why are the Clintons even tolerated in this country, let alone seen as authorities? Obsessed? When did she even see him?

Posted by Randall McMurphy at April 19, 2004 08:11 PM

I hear Hillary on the radio today say:
"It's been said that my husband was obsessed with terrorists in general, and Al Qaeda in particular." Is this bitch psychotic, or just the biggest liar since her husband. Obsessed? Were they hiding under the fat broad's dress? One lousy missile at a pile of dirt in Afghanistan? Lets OBL get away several times. Did nothing about Mogadishu, Kenya, Tanzania, The Cole or WTC I. Why are the Clintons even tolerated in this country, let alone seen as authorities? Obsessed? When did she even see him?

Posted by Randall McMurphy at April 19, 2004 08:12 PM

I hear Hillary on the radio today say:
"It's been said that my husband was obsessed with terrorists in general, and Al Qaeda in particular." Is this bitch psychotic, or just the biggest liar since her husband. Obsessed? Were they hiding under the fat broad's dress? One lousy missile at a pile of dirt in Afghanistan? Lets OBL get away several times. Did nothing about Mogadishu, Kenya, Tanzania, The Cole or WTC I. Why are the Clintons even tolerated in this country, let alone seen as authorities? Obsessed? When did she even see him?

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