the talking dog

April 22, 2004, Alright Already! Can't we just hand power over to the Convicted Embezzler and Be Done with it?

So it would seem, as the State Department announced that the initial "sovereign Iraqi government" (timed to avoid official American involvement that close to a Presidential election) will not have a legislative branch. No legislature until... elections, yeah that's it-- that's the ticket-- elections. Which will be held next... January-- yeah, that's it-- next January, presumably after the American President has had an opportunity to re-steal the Presidency, and it will not longer matter here.

If we have an election in Iraq, at all, it will be after ours (that's a given), but more importantly, after our "government" (i.e., the regime that is in power in the United States) has figured out a way to ensure that Iraqi "democracy" does not mean something that isn't pro-American (even if the overwhelming majority of Iraqis themselves might not prefer such a government... at all).

Or in Iraq. The idea remains to simply hand the place over to crony-capitalist-politicos Chalabi and Co., and get the place out of our hair (even as we have over 135,000 American troops and an undisclosed number of contract killers... mercenaries.... I mean, contract workers... in the Iraqi theater). Sadly, Senator McCain proposes to put 10,000 more troops in harm's way; the way things are going in Iraq, that really DOES mean 10,000 more targets. President Talking Dog (I haven't talked to veep Moomaw if he agrees) would ask our military for our draw-down options. (1) Tying up our forces in Iraq means they are unavailable elsewhere, for things like the hunt for Al Qaeda, (2) Tying up our forces in Iraq is getting them killed, (3) Since I was against this war from Day 1 (and regard those responsible for our involvement in it as war criminals), I have no fantasies about "victory". We lost the day we went in with a fantasy about being welcomed with flower petals-- I just don't recall the last time a foreign invader was welcomed for "liberating" people from their own government even when that government was a horror show (that might include, say, WWII Germany, Italy and Japan, for example). And yet-- the fantasy...

So, since I'm not hung up on killing American troops just to pretend that we were not "defeated", I would get our troops the fuck out, as fast as our military tells me we can do it. As to stabilizing Iraq, President Talking Dog apologizes to the Iraqi people for the mess we have made, but does not believe we are helping them by staying around. Seriously. The best we could do would probably be to invite regional players (that would NOT under any circumstances include Saudi Arabia, a country with whom relations in my Administration would be... chilly) to solve this-- it WOULD have to include Jordan, Syria, and yes, Iran.

Grow up America: our military is nowhere near as mighty as you'd like to pretend it is. Rummy's fantasies about airborne drones and robots on the ground just got people killed. We have the smallest military we have had since 1939, while being deployed in over 10 dozen countries, including a major occupation of 25 million people. We aren't even providing our own men and women adequate armored vehicles or body armor, even as the President plays budgetary games with our soldiers lives. President Bush has revealed us as a highly competent military that can be played to a draw or worse by organized and not so organized privateers. Sure, if the mission were to murder everyone in a given Iraqi town, I'm sure we have the fire-power (though I suspect a fair number would disobey that particular illegal order).

But-- thanks to the limitations of occupying a hostile populace, and the political limitations of raising the force size that was necessary for this here, that's the way it is.

Our bluff has been called. Poppy Bush was smart enough to know this. Sad that Neil had his S&L problems, and JEB lost back in '94, so the Stupid Son got the nod.


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just keep reminding yourself this is all Bud Selig's fault... nah, it's Bush/Cheney/Rumsefeld/Rice/Powell's fault, what happened after they bumrushed DC.

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