April 23, 2004, From Russia with Shove
This week's visit to Pravda will give us two pieces of the same theme. While we as a nation merrily set about to murder Iraqi civilians, and in turn, have those same civilians murder our military personnel (as well as each other) in the name of "fighting terrorism", because Saddam Hussein had "weapons of mass destruction program related activities", and he was thinking about making nuclear weapons-- he had nasty ambitions, yes he did, our actual interest in a potential nuclear threat against the domestic United States is treated as a joke, and one of the world's most successful WMD destruction programs, that of Russia, lays fallow because the West (that's mostly the United States) refuses to honor its funding commitments.
The first piece involves Tim Hinchey-Bancroft's attempts to follow up on a convoluted communication translated from Arabic to Portuguese to Russian (an apparent variation of one of my new hobbies) purportedly documenting an Al Jazeera interview with the no. 3 Al Qaeda figure describing how AQ managed to smuggle seven nuclear devices into the United States. The reporter (in Lisbon) made an attempt to call the security official at the U.S. embassy in Lisbon, who was then directed to his British counterpart. Neither, apparently, took the matter seriously enough to call back (according to our reporter). Perhaps this is all a laughing matter-- perhaps it isn't. But, the point is well-taken: if it doesn't directly involve Iraq, 2 1/2 years after 9-11, our national security is still treated primarily as a bad joke by our own bad joke of a government.
The second involves a discussion of the languishing of Russia's programs to destroy its Soviet era nasty weapons programs, because nearly broke Russia can't pay for it without Western assistance-- assistance long promised, but not delivered probably for budgetary reasons while we fight a war over WMD fantasies but refuse to fund actual WMD destruction.
I am saddened by the death of former professional football player Pat Tillman, who, as an army ranger, was killed in a gun battle in Afghanistan. Tillman joined up after 9-11, giving up a multi-million dollar contract with the Arizona Cardinals.
He was a true patriot, even as the nation is now run by ersatz patriots who really don't care if Tillman (and hundreds of thousands who serve with him) live or die.
Nunn-Lugar is one of the most successful disarmament programs ever, so of course it's underfunded; gotta keep the money flowing to Star Wars.
As Brad DeLong says, "Why are we ruled by these idiots?"
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