the talking dog

May 10, 2004, Pom poms, whips and chains (oh my)

Finally-- something that will probably bring down the most arrogant and obnoxious American government in anybody's memory-- the torture... I mean, ABUSE scandals... today, the Red Cross confirms that the torture was widespread, and 90% of the detainees were innocent of anything except being swarthy A-rab types. What is staggering is how tone-deaf the usually adept Bushmen are being to this-- they think they can handle this as business as usual. What a bunch of fuck-ups. They only GOT IN because of... a press fascinated with prurient images (specifically, affairs of state, as it were). And now-- the pictures... sleazy chicks leading guys around on leashes, guys jerking off while cloaked in hoods... man-- THE MEDIA LOVES THIS SHIT. This will now drown out EVERYTHING-- the economy, the deficit, EVEN THE REST OF THE WAR. Now Bush CAN run on the war-- because THIS will be the only thing we can expect to see for months. Except, this isn't what he had in mind.

Staff sergeants and West Virginian privates whose mothers live in trailer parks won't do it: the American people want to see generals-- and the Secretary of Defense-- pay SOME price for this. (I would like to see war crimes tribunals, and I'd like to see the President and Vice-President, Secretaries of State and Defense and the Attorney General stand trial before them as defendants. But I like to fantasize). Instead, we get Cheney over the weekend telling us that Rummy is the greatest Defense Secretary we ever had (edging out such other notables as Cheney himself, Cap Weinberger, and of course, Robert McNamara) and Bush telling us that Rummy is doing a FABULOUS JOB (Laura confirms that the Donald has Dubya's full confidence).

Tone deaf to an unimaginable degree. Even some conservatives-- the few who do not equate patriotism with being an unabashed Bush cheerleader-- see serious problems from this. Do they seriously think this will not reverberate up and down-- all the way back to Bush? DOESN'T HE GET IT? He needs a firewall-- Rummy will do. And its perfectly credible: Rummy micromanaged EVERYTHING-- why SHOULDN'T he pay the price for this? (Along with the rest of his team-- Wolfowitz, Perle, Feith, and the cabal). The house is dirty: CLEAN IT.

Its easy: Rummy offered his own head. What is the PROBLEM? It is appropriate than someone high level take a spill for this. The country would then happily go back to downloading the kinky pictures, and go back to sleep. But not now.

Its going to be more and more obvious, with Rummy NOT going down-- that this goes ABOVE RUMMY. And that leaves only two guys. Again: while we will wag our fingers at Private England (and the half dozen other unfortunately photogenic rubes), no one believes its just them. The American people can be played for fools a great deal of the time-- but once in a while, enough is enough.

And, IMHO, we have reached that point. With luck, this will cost the hubristic GOP both the Presidency and the Congress-- but as I say-- with LUCK. The Bush Administration has fucked up-- on a grand scale. The President's little display of self-righteous hand-wringing at the Pentagon today fools no one-- while evil is often banal, sometimes it also has an arrogant cocksure "God has chosen ME" smirk.

These pictures are the face of empire. And as we have seen, the empire has no clothes.

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One devoutly hopes some of the more idiotic Congresscritter-Rs will insist that Bush and his crowd are still worship-worthy, to the point where their own constituencies say "Are you nuts?"

Posted by Linkmeister at May 11, 2004 02:04 AM

Well, of course, it's already happening. Inhofe in today's hearing saying "What's the biggie?--these were a bunch of criminals and terrorists, so I'm more outraged by the outrage than I am with a few minor masturbation scenes, rapes, dog attacks, murders . . . " Fact is, TD, way big majority of Americans in polls says Rummy should NOT lose job. Whether they think Bush should lose his seems a closer question, actually. We'll have to depend on a right-biased mainstream press to keep this story alive, while the admin. does its best to say we should mete out swift punishments and "move on."

I must say, Bush at the Pentagon yesterday made me literally sick to my stomach. What kind of moral midget would review those pictures; hear about a military investigative report concluding that there was an utter lack of training, supervision and leadership; understand that the "enemy" would now feel it had a perfect excuse for torturing American POWs (and we have today's lovely beheading video as confirmation); and then walk up to a podium to announce that Rummy is doing a "superb" job? How utterly bereft of any moral compass can he be? How completely lacking in any sense of responsibility or common decency? How stupidly ignorent of his own f-ing record? How can this Bush statement be reported by the press without any of the media noting that it was utterly outrageous in and of itself? Doing a superb job?

As for Cheney, the man is absolutely craven. When the Bushies talk about "Evildoers," the image that immediately pops into my mind is Cheney.

They MUST be stopped. Can you imagine what they would do with four more years if they are re-elected after this? Cheney'd view it as mandate to invade Iran (and some book would come out reporting that he'd said in a cabinet meeting, "Who the hell cares about Iran? Reagan proved that Iran doesn't matter." Or something.) MUST be stopped.

Posted by mamayo at May 11, 2004 03:14 PM

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