the talking dog

June 16, 2004, Sometimes You Just Need a Smile

Dog run member (and fellow Mets fan) Jeff Cooper of Cooped Up has been on blog hiatus for over a year now, and if you read his penultimate post, you'll see he has a damned good reason. But I just glanced at this blog, and came across this... a reason just to smile. Best wishes to Jeff, Jeff's family and especially to Noah.

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Its a day FULL of smiles... the Lakers lost to Detroit 4 games to 1 in the NBA finals, depriving Shaq and Koe of a 4th championship and Phil Jackson of a 10th, and the 9-11/Warren Commission has FINALLY told us the obvious: that there was no Saddam-9-11 connection (though Saddam REMAINS solely responsible for Poppy Bush's defeat in the 1992 general election, and hence, will remain incarcerated indefinitely).

Posted by the talking dog at June 16, 2004 10:58 AM

Also-- I see my math is off: Jeff's hiatus goes back to last October, around 8 months; but his law professoring, Mets and wine-related commentary, as well as political astuteness, and possibly, news from Noah, will be looked forward to...

Posted by the talking dog at June 16, 2004 11:00 AM

TD...a very nice reminder of the importance of maintaining the proper perspective. Thanks. Hope all goes well with the Coopers.

Posted by alicia at June 16, 2004 04:59 PM

Damn you TD for bringing a ray of sunshine onto this blog.

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