June 16, 2004, Parachute Jumpin' Poppy Ain't the ONLY Free-fallin' Bush
Two developments in the continuing meltdown: (1) the September 11th Commission chaired by Governor Kean has stated, flat out, that the principal premise in most people's minds for the Iraq war, i.e., Saddam Hussein was somehow aligned with terrorists and responsible for the 9-11 attacks, was absolutely unsupported by any credible evidence whatsoever; and (2) a group of 26 retired high-ranking diplomats and military flag officers said that the Bush Administration had so damaged American national security and international standing that it should be voted out of office this November.
Neither is particularly new matter for our regular readers (the most discerning and intelligent readers in... the world), but what's interesting is that this is sort of a glass of ice-water to the face of many Americans-- if not most Americans-- still harboring the view that "there MUST have been a connection between 9-11 and Iraq or else WHY WOULD WE INVADE?" That self-imposed cognitive dissonance must now dissolve: the commission the President himself charged with investigating 9-11 has told us that Saddam had nothing to do with it.
Which doubtless explains the timing of the 26 officials' statement today. As the meltdown rolls on, regardless of one's feeling toward the feckless Senator Kerry, the fact is, this election is a referendum on the incumbent, and it is becoming clearer and clearer that "disaster" would be the politest way to describe the Bush Administration. The devil we don't know HAS to be better than the worst Administration we have ever had-- finally beating out Nixon for that dishonor. IMHO, the Chalabi treason fiasco has FINALLY put Bush over the top. Throw in Plame-gate, Abu Ghraib, the entire Iraq war to begin with, the fact that the most material 9-11 witnesses-- Saudis including the bin Laden family-- were spirited out of the United States within hours of 9-11 itself on the personal orders of George W. Bush, while simultaneously thousands of completely innocent people are held (and tortured) in gulags for "interrogation" as the most sadistic window dressing in the history of humankind, "out of control" would be a euphemism for this Administration. Frankly, the kindest spin I put on the Iraq fiasco is that its a Saudi-directed mission DESIGNED to screw up the Iraqi oil infrastructure for decades to preserve Saudi OPEC hegemony. Because the other alternative is incompetence of a level that no manager of a fast food establishment would tolerate, and yet the American people (informed by a corrupt and purchased media) blithely allow it...
Did I say all that out loud? Well, still four and a half months of meltdown action to come... Man, I hope my stomach can handle all the popcorn...
Loved the fast-food comparison. I actually know of one that does tolerate such gross incompetence. We've decided it must be a front of some kind; hmmmm, parallels here?
A bit of central Ohio news. I rarely watch tv but foul weather's in the air so I tuned in to local news tonite. The lead story was about some person not under arrest but under surveillance for alleged association with someone alleged to have associations to alleged terrorists. The wind-up line was, "Alleged terrorists in central Ohio? How many more could there be?" Tell me the population of central Ohio and I'll answer the question. Jeesh . . .
Posted by cs at June 16, 2004 11:15 PM
geez, I thought I had it bad
Hope you survive until January 20th dude
Posted by free patriot at June 17, 2004 03:21 AM
TD....Reading today's headlines in our smalltown paper..."No Link Found Between Saddam and 9-11"...absolutely feels like an out of body experience...like, THAT'S NEWS? !!! OH MY GOSH....
Posted by alicia at June 17, 2004 01:31 PM
The fact that its news is itself news. once again-- most people are not as on top of things as blog readers-- especially readers OF THIS BLOG. I suspect a literal majority of people still believe (or at least WANT to believe) that this country did not send over 800 of its military personnel to their deaths and 5000 of them to lose limbs or otherwise suffer life altering maimings-- not to mention tens of thousands of Iraqis we have murdered (and yes, that's NOW the word) WITHOUT IT EVEN BEING RELATED TO 9-11. People need to believe our government knows what its doing-- or they GO CRAZY. Well, its becoming clear that they are going to have to disabuse themselves of this.
But its news. The GREAT NEWS is that the 9-11 Commission is getting play. Only believers are dismissing it as "partisan". Keep in mind that its findings are "non-controversial"-- we've known most of them FOR YEARS.
And SOME things the 9-11 Commission can't tell us-- either because they were withheld from them or because doing so might be politically catastrophic for all sides (such as potentially debunking the "Let's Roll" story-- IF it is susceptible to debugging-- to which my conclusion is now upgraded to "inconclusive".)
But-- as you recall, I was asking about the details of scrambled fighters MONTHS AGO. And now, details are coming in. SOME details we will NOT be told-- for national security or other reasons; but lots of details ARE coming out that confirm some of our worst fears (i.e., if this happened again, the results might well be similar).
The joke is that on net, the 9-11 Commission was intended as a feel-good cover-up commission (remember that Bush originally tapped HENRY "I KNOW HOW TO DO COVERUPS" KISSINGER, and picked former NJ Gov. Tom Kean later). The BIGGER joke is, Kean has been OFFENDED by the stonewalling-- and is deliberately releasing damaging details this way... Bush could not have timed this worse: the full report comes out at the end of July-- right around 3 months before the election-- and it will BLOW AWAY the image of the fearless cocksure cowboy leader.
Well, pass the milk duds!
Posted by the talking dog at June 17, 2004 03:11 PM
Alicia, I hope the "no link" news won't demoralize you as you experience the obstacle course on a rainy day at boot camp.
No, really, I do.
Posted by Hassan Bar Sinister at June 17, 2004 03:24 PM
WallyCoxLives ripped off my June 7th posting in his June 10th posting on Haloscan.com.
No wonder the guy abuses his Liver!
Posted by And Your Not at June 17, 2004 03:38 PM
I did? I AM sorry. Which one was it? I apologize enormously and with full humility. If I didn't give an attribution, I will do what I can to make amends.
Posted by WallyCoxLives at June 17, 2004 06:31 PM
Oviously, I'm a pompous jerk. What possibly can be done but to ignore your existence?
Posted by And Your Not at June 17, 2004 06:44 PM
Oviously, I can't spell eeder.
Posted by And Your Not at June 17, 2004 06:45 PM
I'm more of a Jujube man, myself.
Not to rain on your sunshiney day, but the latest electoral poll on confirmed blue or red states is W 254 to Kerry 217. If you liberals recall the electoral vote in 2000 (and we know that you do), W only needs 16 electoral votes to win. Poppy and Dick can arrange that without even involving the CIA. Or was that CID?
Posted by They Call Me Mr. Crabcake at June 17, 2004 07:03 PM
Nice try, Crabs-- but DEAD FUCKING WRONG!
Its 4 plus months to go: the polls now mean very little in any event.
Posted by the talking dog at June 17, 2004 11:03 PM
No, I am serious. I feel badly if I did that to you. Tell me what it was about, please. I am serious about apologizing.
Posted by WallyCoxLives at June 17, 2004 11:21 PM
Get it up boy! She will be happy!
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