the talking dog

June 17, 2004, There are the Known fuckups, the unknown fuckups, the fucked up knowns...

Well, Mrs. TD and I had a lovely evening's dinner with MAMayo (and hubby Steve) and Mrs. TD's and MA's friend Megan... and when we even ATTEMPTED to discuss politics, we couldn't even get through the news of TODAY!!! I count FOUR major fuckups du jour: (1) Donny the Genius Rumsfeld not only personally ordering a war crime, to wit, ordering that an Iraqi prisoner be "disappeared" by having him not registered so the Red Cross wouldn't know he was there-- BUT THEN FORGETTING TO INTERROGATE HIM!; (2) the President insists on lying about the complete lack of Saddam Hussein - Al Qaeda or 9-11 links, and the public NOW KNOWS HE'S LYING; (3) the Vice-President ILLEGALLY ordered civilian airliners shot down on 9-11-- and then lied about getting the President's authorization; (4) a CIA contractor was indicted for killing a prisoner during torture... er, interrogation, in Afghanistan. I won't even discuss Kofi Annan's attack on the United States for having the balls to continue to insist that Americans to continue to be exempted from international prosecution for troops engaged in peace-keeping operations in the face of the ongoing torture allegations, and Alan Greenspan gets a 5th term as Fed Chairman. No, that's TOO much.

From the top: Rumsfeld has been caught dead to rights committing A WAR CRIME. Taguba said the treatment of the "invisible prisoner" (now in custody over a year-- when we can actually find him) was a violation of international law-- as confirmed by the Red Cross. And yet, the President tells us Rummy is doing a superb job. Meanwhile, the President himself, who is STILL using "9-11 and Saddam" in the same sentence-- DENYING THAT HE SAID THERE WAS A LINK, even though he has been saying it for nearly THREE YEARS. (BTW-- bad move; the 9-11 Commission is now FAR more popular than Bush himself; he should figure out a way to play ball with it, instead of openly stonewalling, caterwauling and confabulating.)

I seem to be the only one who noticed the little detail about the Cheney ordering the shootdown of civilian airliners on 9-11 (btw, after Flight 93 crashed, according to the time line)-- Cheney claims to have talked to Bush and gotten his authorization (a legal requirement-- only the President could authorize that then, though now, we have "improved", and a 2-star general could NOW order a civilian plane shot down)... except its a lie. Only Bush and Cheney who testified together off the record and not under oath said that conversation happened (though Condi "remembers it). Lynn Cheney-- in the same White House bunker as her husband Dick-- DOES NOT recall that conversation. And there are no records of the call. Why? Because it didn't happen. Its a lie-- a CLEAR lie for which the motherfuckers deliberately avoided "testifying under oath" or "on the record" or "publicly" to maintain-- a lie to pretend that George W. Bush was actually in command of anything except maybe his bowel movements on the morning of 9-11-- when, after being told of an attack on his country, went into a classroom to be read a story about a goat. The best part: its an UNNECESSARY LIE. In the unquestionable 9-11 morning chaos, Cheney could have been considered the "acting president"-- the real president... being not contactable (he was listening to a compelling story about a goat in a Florida classroom.) But they INSISTED ON THE LIE ANYWAY.

As to the CIA contractor... well, surprise, surprise. I liken it to throwing someone to the sharks, to yet again, avoid having to go after anyone important... like Don Rumsfeld. Of course, the bastard probably DID kill the guy-- but that's something else entirely from the question of whether this is the sort of thing that would normally be prosecuted (answer: NO).

In short-- the meltdown is now happening faster than I can keep track of it. I HATE when that happens. I feel so left out. Well, more melt-down tomorrow

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Speech I’d love to have seen (by Cheney):
My Fellow Americans. I know that the events of these last several days have been a tremendous shock to us all. I am saddened to announce one more: my resignation.

During the terrorist attack on our nation, I authorized measures I believed would protect our nation; specifically, I authorized the shooting down of American Civilian airplanes.

While I believe it to have been the right decision-- and new knowledge has shown us that this was the right decision-- it was a decision I was not legally authorized to make. That law will be changed. My respect for the law, however, demands that I take the full consequences of breaking that law.

It does not mater how justified I was in taking it upon myself to make this decision, the plain fact is it creates a precedent. Some day, such a precedent will be used to evil effect. To prevent that, I am tendering my own resignation, that all may know the consequences of actions such as mine.

PS: It seems that the administration had warnings for months that an attack was about to happen. In retrospect I wish we’d paid attention to them.

Posted by Andrew Cory at June 18, 2004 04:21 AM

That prisoner wasn't tortured. He was LIBERATED. Try to get your terminology right, ya damn French liberal.

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