June 26, 2004, Love is all around
Who can turn the world on with a kind word?
Who can take a nothing thing, and suddenly make it all seem absurd?
Well it's you pal, and you should know it
With each whip, attack dog and restricted movement you show it
Love is all around, no need to waste it
You can have a town, why don't you take it (already)
Gun-point freedom and democracy without polls
You're gonna make it a hell hole
How will we do this on our own?
This world is awfully big, but this time you got us in all alone
So it's time we all started lying
It's time to get someone else do some dying
Love is all around, no need to waste it
You can have a town, why don't you take it (already)
Gun-point freedom and democracy without polls
You're gonna make it a hell hole
Good parody, since michael moore is the anti mary tyler moore. good moore and bad moore.
For now on, all people in this site will be for the war and for rebuilding Irag or I will get Michael Moore to sit on you. Ouch!!!!!!
Let bash Dubya, since he didn't have sex with his intern, he must be bad.
I wonder what the female view, from Alicia is about Clinton. What if he did it to one of your daughters?
Posted by sean archer at June 26, 2004 01:41 PM
Look Sean, the last thing I'm worried about as a parent is one of my kids engaging in consensual sexual relations with the President of the United States. You are not prepared to handle the wrath of this angry mom so I am going to bid you a good weekend.
Posted by alicia at June 26, 2004 02:21 PM
CONSENUAL!!!! Clinton's own administration passed laws making the boss having sex with an employee who they have a position of authority over, as sexual harassment. Illegal. She is in intern and call feel she has to Lewinsky him to keep her job.
But by Monday or Tuesday let me know what we should have done with countries that harbor terrorists, and do you discount DUBYA's actions in getting Libya to give up the weapons of mass destruction.
Posted by sean archer at June 26, 2004 05:00 PM
Sean....If I give you more info than you requested, do I get extra credit?
Listen, I am SO completely tired of the Lewinsky matter...both parties behaved immorally and have paid the price...Clinton went through impeachment hearings for lying about the affair, not the affair itself. I'm not condoning affairs mind you, I am just tired of the relentless reminders...Clinton was a bad man...a very bad man. It is DONE. As for countries that support terrorism, I think we should bomb all of their innocent neighbors....Yeah, that should do it. (No reminders of what a bad man Hussein was...I get it) I'm sure the families of all of the innocent Iraqis killed will understand. If you want peace, you lead by example. If you must go to war, make sure it is the right one, and for the right reasons.
Posted by alicia at June 26, 2004 07:01 PM
I'm a friend of Bill W., but the rest of me is a friend of Bill C.
Posted by WallyCox'sLiver at June 26, 2004 08:08 PM
Lord, thank you for the comic relief.
Posted by alicia at June 26, 2004 08:51 PM
Sean's a classic troll. Pointless, stupid, inflammatory, just looking to get a rise. Doesn't seem to grasp the notion that it isn't harassment if both parties are wollong, but then stupid is a fair description of any nitwit who still gets exercised over Clinton's BJ when Dubya has presided over mass murder.
Posted by WallyCoxLives at June 26, 2004 09:33 PM
Jeez-- go away for a few hours...
Actually-- maybe its just me-- I didn't see anything in this particular post remotely evocative of Bill Clinton. Not even a little. Not even in anything I linked.
But I understand the concept: George W. Bush ran (successfully as it turned out, albeit controversially) against Bill Clinton in '00-- even though Gore was running rather than Clinton. The theory must be "hey, it worked ONCE... " I respect the party discipline-- really, I do. I wish we lib-e-ralles would shed our perpetual victimhood and fractious litmus testing and adopt the same attitude (this MAY be the year we actually pull that off, btw).
But Wally C.L. is right on this one. While there are many conservative bloggers and others who comment here, who take me to task for going occasionally hyperbolic (think of them as Mickey Kaus-- but willing to read this blog!)-- for whom I have the utmost respect, and if I'm caught in any way exaggerating or (heavens) inadvertently misstating-- I fully respect being called on it. Frankly, I welcome it.
Of course, nothing remotely like this seems to be going on in this particular comment strand.
So-- let's just say there are fair criticisms out there of my position-- they're just not being made in these comments. On this subject, the fairest criticism is simply to question the "early" naysaying-- while we're behind in the score on Iraq, the game is far from over. This MAY somehow work out, and in a year's time, or a decade's, or a century's, we MAY look back and see the wisdom of the Iraq adventure. However, references to Michael Moore's portliness or Bill Clinton's sexual pecadillos are not criticisms-- they are a waste of effort all around-- frankly, they say more (and not in a good way) about the speaker than about what is being said.
I pride this blog on being a "first amendment zone". Really-- criticism, even foul-mouthed criticism, doesn't usually bother me. I won't stop anyone from wasting their own effort in either writing or reading such nonsense... however, I'll try not to waste mine thinking about it-- and I urge others to do the same.
Posted by the talking dog at June 26, 2004 10:09 PM
Point taken, TD. My apologies for encouraging/discouraging bad behavior and participating as well.
Posted by alicia at June 26, 2004 10:53 PM
Hey, my plot seems to be breaking down.
So don't listen to the TD, and continue the endless sniping.
Remember, your view is right, and others will come around to your position only if you endlessly drone on it.
Thank you, and have a nice day.
Posted by Hassan Bar Sinister at June 27, 2004 10:51 AM
Hassan Bar Sinister? Hassan Bar Sinister? I do not have a file for this Hassan Bar Sinister's liver. What does this mean? Who is this Hassan Bar Sinister's liver?
Posted by WallyCoxLives at June 28, 2004 08:12 AM
Well, it's finally happened.
The rest of my body is in a meltdown.
I am the most sound part.
Posted by WallyCox'sLiver at June 28, 2004 09:50 AM
With the amount of gin I've circulated through you over the years, I wouldn't count on it.
Posted by WallyCoxLives at June 28, 2004 10:55 AM
I am in a moral quandry.
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