June 27, 2004, Smoke Signals...
A break from classic television homages for this "three way connect the dots" exercise.
1. First, our weekly visit to People's Daily gives us this interestingly optimistic account (from Beijing) of six-party talks leading to optimistic assessments of North Korean willingness to play nuclear-blackmail-let's-make-a-deal, (Actually, as Dear Leader-- North Korea's Dear Leader Kim Jong Il, as opposed to our Dear Leader King George/St. George/George of the Bungle-- might be partial to any deal Monty might offer that included throwing in the lovely Carol Merrill, a case of Remy Martin, and what Jay has in the box... damn-- no escape from Classic Television, is there!!!)
Well, guardedly good news... except it isn't. This is the game North Korea plays every few years with great success: we'll renege on a deal we made last decade, in exchange for a better goody package. Recall that the Bushmen (rightly) blamed Clinton (ably assisted by Carter) in deferring the North Korea problem, by making this deal at a time when increased pressure might have gotten a longer term solution (i.e. aid package in exchange for OVERALL North Korean force reduction, verifiable nuclear monitoring, AND opening up the Stalinist shithole to the world a bit).
The Bushmen's response: do exactly the same thing. Only this time, truly bargain from weakness, as we seem to desperately need to pull troops out of Korea... so they can be cannon fodder in Iraq. As I have told you before, Iraq has "shot our wad"-- the Bushmen have done nothing but plan for "best case scenarios"-- be it on tax/revenue matters or military matters-- exactly what a four year old child might do. Unfortunately, normal people plan for the worst-- which incorporates most of what is likely to happen. Hence, we have vastly overshot our military wad, to the point where we are dismantling our international deployments (like... Korea) to shore up our little discretionary project in Iraq.
Do you think that... Kim Jong Il might be taking advantage of this? The problem is by not dealing with this once and for all (our veep Bruce suggests that proliferation helped along by molly-coddling North Korea, which has helped put the bomb in Pakistan, will inevitably lead to a nuclear conflict somewhere... will, as in, for sure; I can't fault his reasoning). What we're watching is North Korea bargain for its ability to keep proliferating... with the full cooperation of the Bush Administration, now.
2. It looks like our Presidentissimo, while having to tiptoe with Pyongyang, seems to have regained his sea-legs re: bullying around our allies (or at least has figured out how to give them something they want) into agreeing to have NATO train Iraqi forces. OTOH, Bush failed (naturally) to get NATO to stupidly commit combat troops to Bush's personal vendetta (compare Afghanistan, which represented a response to 9-11, i.e., an attack on a NATO member, which justifies a deployment outside the usual NATO theater of operations). Still, at least Bush can present his infallible self back to the base that he has made the Iraqi problem bigger than his own. I'm sure they'll lap it up.
3. Possibly most ominously, Iraqi interim premier Allawi announces, in the face of a massive car-bomb yesterday in Iraq that killed at least 40 people, that there may be a "delay" in those long-promised "elections". Its that security situation, you know... it may make elections (promised to be completed by the end of January at the outside) "impractical".
Game. Set. Match. Everyone other than die-hard fantasists have dismissed the WMD and terrorist-link myths as a justification for our Iraqi operations that have resulted in the deaths of over 800 U.S. service-personnel (more than our last several campaigns, combined... quite possibly more than all other U.S. operations since Vietnam... combined, though I'm not exactly sure on that one). The successful emergence of terrorist networks in not only Iraq ( a failed state of our creation), but in Saudi Arabia, should de-bunk the Neo-con "new Middle East myth". Abu Ghraib's house of horrors torture show should even debunk the "Saddam was really bad" horse-shit (by that, I don't deny that Saddam-- and esecially Qusay and Uday-- were monsters of the highest order; but when we replace his torture with ours, only add in humiliation, how exactly are we the "good guys"?)
Which leaves-- at least we will bring freedom and democracy to the Iraqi people. Except that this announcement kind of leads to a preliminary justification for doing neither. The interim government has already hinted about having to declare "martial law" (that troubling security situation, you know); and now, Allawi is hinting that elections might have to be... deferred... (how about deferred... forever). I repeat: game, set, match.
Again-- the situation in Iraq may-- somehow-- work out. I just don't see how. But any and every single justification for our being there-- let alone paying the price of thousands of dollars in cost for every American tax-paying family and hundreds dead (and counting) and thousands wounded-- has folded like a house of cards.
O.K. Here's how I connect the dots. Your input is welcome. As I see it, to keep up the charade that just pulling out of Iraq-- tomorrow-- would probably not make anything terribly worse-- Incurious George, Pottymouth Dick and Spanky Don are willing to dismantle our global security structure. The problem as I see it is that they may be melting down our military faster than they are melting down the Administration.
Well, who knows. Maybe this will work out. We've been ridiculously lucky before...
Well, now the Iraqi government has two extra days to get it done.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha.
Also, further attacks on my liver or any other bodily part will be met with shock and awe (I coined the phrase by the way). I can take a joke about most things, but not my body parts.
Finally, there are no files on me, since I don't exist.
Wally, get right with evil, and evil will get right with you.
Posted by Hassan Bar Sinister at June 28, 2004 01:10 PM
If only I could get two extra days as easily as that. How wonderful that the Iraqi people have acquired complete autonomy and freedom under the guidance of Dear Leader and Dputy Dear Leader.
Evil is in the eye of the beholder Hassan.
No files? No files? This explains much, and yet I find it interesting and disconcerting at the same time.
I will attack my liver with every ounce of alcohol in my liquor cabinet if I wish to. It's my body and I'll drink if I want to, drink if I want to, shrink if I want to, you would drink too if this liver was you.
Posted by WallyCoxLives at June 28, 2004 01:54 PM
You can attack your liver all you want, please do not disturb mine.
Also, if you wish to believe there is no evil incarnate, go ahead, chalk it down to a matter of semantics.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Posted by Hassan Bar Sinister at June 28, 2004 02:04 PM
I am in a moral quandry.
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