the talking dog

July 5, 2004, Slow News Holiday Weekend Fuels Kerry Veep Speculation...

Yes, yes... its supposedly a three-way Edwards- Gephardt-Vilsack contest, according to "Rumors-R-Us". Well, I predict it won't be any of those three (the only "disaster" play will be Gephardt-- a man who comes with nothing but negatives-- but Kerry is not an idiot and will see this...surely, he will see this... without doubt, he will see this...).

Veep is, of course, only interesting before he (yes, it will be a he) is selected, and I guess during the veep debate. Otherwise-- John Adams said something like "I could be everything... but instead, nothing...", i.e., notwithstanding that by default Dick Cheney is extremely powerful, most vice-presidents are really invisible, just occasionally presiding over the senate at tie-breaks and at ceremonial stuff.

I suppose for many its too bad McCain will not only not be Kerry's veep, but will be campaigning for the other side... of course, he IS a Republican and all... something that everyone in the "win at any cost" mentality that got us Kerry as a candidate in the first place may have over-looked...

Doesn't matter... unless its Gephardt, anyone Kerry picks will help him-- potentially, a lot... As the Unseen Editor suggests, the amazingly strong reactions to Fahrenheit 911 may be revealing a far more potent and deep-seated Bush hatred than may have been first thought...

Well, we still have around 18 weeks to go... and that continues to be... an eternity... plenty more slow news weekends between now and then!

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Again, for the record, my official guess (around 12 hours before the rumored announcement) is Mark Warner, the Virginia Governor. If you want to record your guess in these comments beforehand-- get it in now.

Posted by the talking dog at July 5, 2004 11:33 PM

Maria Shriver. I mean, why not?

Posted by Andrew Cory at July 5, 2004 11:53 PM

My hubby just heard on WNCW (best radio in the world) that Edwards got the gig...Okay, I feel so much better now. Sorry I missed posting my guess last night, but the mantra worked!

Posted by alicia at July 6, 2004 07:50 AM

i think i've actually lost a little respect for McCain... campaigning for the very people who went into smear overdrive against him? he must have a capacity for forgiveness that rivals an exalted spirit.

or it's the conditioning: the party is mother, the party is father.

Posted by DesertJo at July 6, 2004 07:15 PM

McCain, for all the respect he gets, is still a party politician. That's the whole story once the dust settles. He clearly believes, and could be right, that he has to play ball in order to be an effective representative. In the end, they all fall in line. Integrity and character are ultimately sacrificed for effectiveness.

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