The Talking Dog "Sure, the dog can talk…but does it say anything interesting?" He ain't The Man's best friend

Moussaoui “Defense”: Please Kill Me

As I expected, the-now-convicted 9-11 plotter Zaccarias Moussaoui took the stand in his own “defense” (as I fully expected, ignoring my advice) and proceeded to say he was sorry the 9-11 attacks didn’t kill even more Americans, that the testimony of relatives of those killed on 9-11 was “disgusting” and otherwise ingratiated himself with the jury sufficiently to get the jury to return that death sentence he seems to want, which, quite frankly, was a foregone conclusion from the moment Moussaoui took the stand in the first part of the penalty phase to tell us about a (most improbable) plot...

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Reality fails our expectations… again…

One of the many stated goals of American intervention in Iraq held up by knee-jerk supporters of the Imperium when the whole WMD thing kind of went to s**t was, of course, the arrogant holding up of ink-stained thumbs (and a bunch of fat-cat m****r f****rs who never did two minutes of public service of any kind, let alone military service, holding up “purple heart band-aids”) because “we were bringing democracy to the Middle East.” After our… reluctance to embrace the Islamist regime elected in Iraq or the Hamas led government in the Palestinian territories, and with Egypt reversing earlier...

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Thus Runs the Spin Cycle… or Whitewash-ington strikes again

Senator Arlen Spector, fresh off of a not necessarily masterful but nonetheless effective job of managing to obfuscate the President’s brazenly illegal wiretapping and other eavesdropping on American citizens in direct violation of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (“FISA”) now proposes a means of commencing the whitewash of the President’s deliberate instructions to leak extremely sensitive classified information to ex-Times reporter Judith Miller via her boyfriend Administration contact, ex-Vice-Presidential chief of staff Lewis “Scooter” Libby… by “demanding” that the President and Vice-President “publicly speak” and tell the American people what happened. Here’s the problem with the “fair and balanced” paradigm,...

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Saturday talking dog blogging (7th edition)

And so we come to the third leg of the iron triangle of the great GOP Big Tent coalition, the “corporatist” wing (the other two being the “law and order” and “religious right” wings), as epitomized by the corporatist paradigm, in his own case, frequently as a consultant (which, as you know, begins with “con”), Dogbert, purportedly the pet but actually the master of Scott Adams’ comic strip’s title character, Dilbert. Originally named “Dildog”, a high risk name vis a vis the religious right wing, Dogbert, like many in the corporatist wing of the GOP, is obsessed with his own...

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A White House in Desperate Need of Plumbers

Apparently, the rumor mill that surrounds the very, very secretive Plame-gate special prosecutor Patrick FitzGerald was hinting that something big was coming; many expected an imminent Rove indictment (which may yet happen.) But nobody (I don’t think) saw this coming: a revelation that the President himself authorized Lewis “Scooter” Libby to disclose some of the most closely guarded secrets of government (so secret the President refused to turn them over to Congress), to wit, parts of the National Intelligence Estimate, which Libby disclosed to Judith Miller as part of the campaign to justify the Iraq war. Obviously, this is a...

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TD Blog Interview with Joshua Denbeaux

In February and March of this year, a pair of ground-breaking reports pertaining to detainees at Guantanamo Bay were issued by a team from Seton Hall University Law School in Newark, New Jersey, led by the tandem of attorneys Joshua Denbeaux of the law firm of Denbeaux & Denbeaux of Westwood, New Jersey and his father, Seton Hall Law Professor Mark Denbeaux, with assistance by a number of Seton Hall law students (David Gratz, John Gregorek, Matthew Darby, Shana Edwards, Shane Hartman, Daniel Mann and Helen Skinner). For the first time, the reports laid out a detailed analysis and evaluation...

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More “restoring honor and integrity to the government”

Deputy press secretary for the Department of Not Doing Anything At All to Help in the Event of a Crisis Homeland Security Brian Doyle was indicted in Polk County, Florida and awaits extradition on charges that he attempted to seduce what he believed to be a 14-year old girl over the internet. Obviously, he didn’t have enough to do as deputy press secretary to Michael Chertoff’s… department. We already had domestic policy advisor Claude Allen resign after shop-lifting charges, the Vice-President’s chief of staff Scooter Libby, of course, resigned for Plamegate after indictment by the special prosecutor (who may not...

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Hitteth and Runneth…

The Bug-man goeth… Former House Majority Leader DeLay will not be seeking reelection to his House seat. Who says Justice DeLay’ed is justice denied? While there’s little good we can say about Mr. DeLay, we can all wish him a hearty, “Good riddance, Tom.” You’ve spent your life bringing the level of discourse in Washington from bad down to the level of your other career killing the cockroaches. Moussaoui to frieth… somebody’s got to pay for 9-11, right? A federal jury found Zaccarias Moussaoui death-penalty-eligible. Moussaoui of course is the buffoonish French national who was nabbed in Minnesota and was...

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Saturday talking dog blogging VI

You’ll recall that last week we focused on the law and order branch of the great big tent ruling Republican coalition. This week, we will focus on the religious extremist branch of the ruling party. Pictured above are two of the iconic images of the American Christianist movement, Davey and Goliath, in the image above, shown testing a home-made improvised explosive device. Originally inocuous, the Lutheran Church produced a series of stop-action clay-mation animated shows featuring Davey Hansen and his family (sister Sally, parents John and Elaine), and the family leader, the all-powerful talking family dog, Goliath. The episodes seemed...

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Big Easy Come, Easy Go

I’m afraid the prognosis for the reconstruction of New Orleans got a tad bleeker… oh, I can think of something like 10 billion reasons for that… $9.5, maybe 10 billion, or about three times previous estimates, being the newly announced estimated cost of reconstructing the New Orleans levee system. My guess is that the previous figure, in the $3 billion range, is probably what will be allocated for the project, as its probable political cost limit. Best we put hundreds of thousands of people (and hundreds of billions of dollars worth or more of property) at mortal risk than dare...

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