Could things be changing in the Taiwan Straits? Well, our overdue visit to our comrades from Eurasia over at Pravda gives us this examination of that question. The piece notes that in a somewhat unusual move, the United States has rather vociferously taken sides, this time with Beijing, to tell the “independence minded” in Taiwan to… shut up. Basically, the official fiction is that China and Taiwan are, were, and always will be, one country, with Taiwan in effect “a renegade province”. This is why Taiwan was kicked out of the U.N. (the KMT government of Chiang Kai-Shek, based on...
Continue reading...The Talking Dog "Sure, the dog can talk…but does it say anything interesting?" He ain't The Man's best friend
A Broken Record
Cross-posted at Sisyphus Shrugged. This tagline refers to both the yawning national trade deficit with the rest of the world of over $700 billion more goods and services imported over exported, and of course, what I sound like repeating the mantra that this presents “some kind of a problem.” The fact is, Americans’ view of things is always “so what’s the problem?” As long as one’s credit card has enough of a credit limit to cover anticipated forward spending until past the next billing cycle… what’s the problem, right? Why worry about the fact that we’ll be broke in a...
Continue reading...The Brown Derby
This post is cross-posted over at Sisyphus Shrugged… Evidently the reluctant-designated-Katrina-fall-guy former FEMA chief Michael Brown testified before a senate committee… and disabused the nation of much of what the White House had been spinning with respect to the President’s professed ignorance about just how bad things were in New Orleans. Brown noted that he spoke to a Deputy White House Chief of Staff, advising of the situation in New Orleans; he called claims that the White House and top Homeland Security Department officials that they didn’t know there were levee breaches in New Orleans “baloney”. Brown fenced with members...
Continue reading...Gitmo Getdown (as in get down food and water through a tube…)
This post is cross-posted over at Sisyphus Shrugged, where I am but a bit player on a very, very deep bench filling in for Julia… Anyway, let’s bring you the latest from the international all star assembly of the-worst-jihadists-that-the-Northern-Alliance-and-Pakistani-security-forces-could-sell-us… Camps X-Ray, Delta, Echo, etc. at Guantanamo Bay Cuba. Our pals at the NY Times give us this article discussing the new and improved means of force-feeding our guests at Gitmo… I’ve recently posted an interview of Josh Colangelo Bryan, one of whose clients is evidently participating in the hunger strike. In the next few days, I should be putting up...
Continue reading...Deny. Attack. Condemn. Obfuscate. Stonewall. Grudgingly Appear to Concede…
Those are six of the standard steps in the White House six step response to just about everything from the 9-11 Commission to creating a Homeland Security Department to crafting virtually all legislation (except for tax cuts for the super-rich, on which the White House never, ever concedes, grudgingly or otherwise) to the current NSA surveillance scandal. As WaPo reports, the White House has grudgingly appeared to concede to Congressional oversight, by agreeing to brief the House and Senate intelligence committees on details of “the program”. Of course, everything these committees does is… a secret… and they are stacked by...
Continue reading...Oaf of Office
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee to give the current whitewash version of the President’s massive program to spy on his (domestic) political enemies under the catch-all of “protecting us from dark skinned terrrrrrrrorists.” Let’s not mince words: there is now no doubt that the President and his minions have decided to spy on a massive number of Americans in a program that is almost designed to be ineffective at intercepting actual terrrorists, certainly when viewed in the context of this WaPo report noting that of an estimated 5,000 Americans spied on, “the program” yielded less...
Continue reading...Guns and Gutter
The President’s budget, weighing in at an absurd two and three quarter trillion dollars, was released, and as predicted, features more war spending, less social spending (sort of) and more tax cuts (yee ha!) Nothing terribly unexpected: the President is running to his base, who, by and large, don’t like social programs that benefit anyone earning less than $200,000 per year, like defense spending, and love tax cuts… so that’s what it is. With bogus deficit projections, contending that the deficit is somehow less than the unbelievable half a trillion dollars per annum that it actually is. As I constantly...
Continue reading...Under New Management
The House of Representatives Republican Caucus (a/k/a Caucus Nostra) got together to select their new Majority Leader… and the future indictment goes to… Congressman John Boehner (R-OH). As Julia reminds us here… the new face of the Republican Party leadership of the House bears a striking resemblance to… the old face… Let’s just say that the great service that folks like Jack Abramoff and his clients have come to expect from the House GOP leadership will continue as before, unabated, with no slowdowns, and no apologies, and seemingly no other repercussions (save Bugs DeLay having to do his fighting in...
Continue reading...While you were sleeping
The President used the occasion of a Friday afternoon just before the Super Bowl to announce that he was asking Congress for an additional $90 billion, of which $70 billion will be for additional war funding (mostly in Iraq) and $20 billion or so for additional Katrina funding. Naturally, no discussion whatsoever of reversing tax cuts or anything in the nature of paying for any of this was, or will be, forthcoming. They say a billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you’re talking real money. As recently as my last post, I noted the passage of budget cuts...
Continue reading...The party of small (as in its responsiveness) government
The Republican controlled House did what you’d think it would when it came time to try to make a half-assed and meaningless attempt to control the insanely out of control federal deficit: it imposed a meaningless-in-the-big-picture $40 billion cut over five years piled on the backs of the poorest Americans. The TLB Act (TLB stands for “tough love… bitches”) passed 216-214; around a dozen Republicans were permitted to vote against the measure to save face (presumably in tough races from blue states). The rest had to join in reducing federal expenditures to student loan programs (investing in the future), welfare...
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