Unbeknownst to many, Familia Talking Dog spent the previous fortnight in an undisclosed location, a fortnight which comes crashing to an end (for Mr. TD) tomorrow (and for Mrs. TD Tuesday) as the affairs of state draw me back to a most unwelcome Labor Day at… labor. One of the select few aware of the FTD’s undisclosed location, Julia, has one of the most monumental and comprehensive link dumps on any subject I have ever seen, in this case, her link dump on Hurricane Katrina and its horrifying aftermath. Interestingly, when the Bush Administration took office, its supposed three “worst...
Continue reading...The Talking Dog "Sure, the dog can talk…but does it say anything interesting?" He ain't The Man's best friend
When it rains, it pours (II)
Nothing much to say about the horrors affecting New Orleans and the nearby Gulf Coast region, devastated beyond belief by Hurricane Katrina, and now, by its own citizens who are taking pit-shots at rescuers (because, it has been suggested to me, that they are pissed that help has been so long in coming). For those who believe in prayers, this would be a good time for them. It might also be a good time to consider giving to the Red Cross. For some updates, you might want to try the New Orleans Met Blog (via dog run member and New...
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In a politics before science or health everytime move, and in a surprise to exactly no one (except seemingly Senators Clinton and Murray, who, perhaps, are running for something…) FDA overrode its own advisory board and voted to delay the “Plan B” contraceptive, a/k/a “the morning after pill” for over the counter sales. Seven states already allow over the counter sales of the drug, which, as a practical matter, would make it available to the 16 and under crowd. While Democratic Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton (you heard it hear first!) knows that the key component of the Democratic Party consortium...
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It was only a matter of time before the Pentagon’s base closing commission decided to… close some bases, and this Wapo piece gives us some of the unpleasant details, whereby GOP Congress members from Maine to Connecticut to Virginia desperately manage to save some bases from the axe… Compare and contrast our trimming a massive amount of military infrastructure at the same time our President steps up the rhetoric about the yada yada yada unprecedented threats we face and the yada yada yada supreme effort and sacrifices needed to win the war on terror… all of which digby brilliantly summarizes...
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On the occasion of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez’s visit to fellow pain-in-the-ass leader Fidel Castro of Cuba, some words of welcome from televangelist Pat Robertson, who called for Chavez’s murder. No, for those of you not aware of this leading story of the blogosphere, Pat Robertson, a guy who told us that God brought 9-11 upon us because we just has too many faggots, and a leading figure in the Republican Party (note the nice try by the White House to distance themselves from this homicidal psychopath)… Pat Robertson, one of the most watched and influential of the hard-ass Christian...
Continue reading...Just slightly ahead of our time
The Iraqi National Assembly decided to respond to U.S. Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad the way many of my classmates back at dear old Columbia did when he taught political science there: cram for a few nights in a row, and declare the paper finished whether it is or not. In this case, its not finished, of course; the Iraqi politicians needed to say it was finished in order to buy three more days to make it look pretty (which right now it does not, what with an alliance of Kurds and Shia more or less cutting the Sunnis out, just to...
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As the price of oil (as measured by the cost of my filling up the tank of the TD-station wagon) hits a new record ($34.00, at $2.99 per gallon at the local self-service), and oil is in the mid $60’s/bbl., it’s a pretty good time to take a look at this lengthy article by Peter Maass of the Grey Lady‘s Sunday Magazine on whether we have reached “peak oil”. It’s a fascinating article: Maass speaks with many in the oil-patch, including Saudis, and we have an interesting discussion of a phenomenon that dare not speak its name. That is, Saudi...
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The U.S. Navy hasn’t used that particular tagline for a while; my favorite Navy ad remains one I saw on a billboard over the Brooklyn Queens Expressway which appeared shortly after 9-11 (and well before our invasion of Iraq), and then not much thereafter, i.e. “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of those who threaten them.” In any event, we’re back to the adventure part as some maniacs fired katyusha rockets (the kind favored by Palestinians lobbing things at Israel) over two U.S. Navy vessels docked at Aqaba, Jordan. For good measure, they managed to kill one Jordanian soldier and seriously...
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Evidently, American heavy-handedness regarding the International Criminal Court has had another effect: resentment of nations in the Americas because we have reduced aid packages to them in petty retaliation for refusing to grant Americans blanket immunity from the I.C.C. This is reminiscent of all that good will we got by cutting out countries not members of the “Coalition of the Billing” from bidding on Iraqi reconstruction contracts. In the case of the I.C.C. aid cut-offs, however, it jeopardizes relationships with nations that help us battle things like, oh, drug trafficking and terrorism. Worse, it creates a vacuum where our strategic…...
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While the President blames trial lawyers for just about everything from terrorism to poverty to high health care costs to the heartbreak of psoriasis, because, for no other reason, the American Trial Lawyers’ Association is the second most loyal donors to the Democratic Party coffers (behind the schoolteachers of the National Education Association), statistics come out showing that, in fact, tort trials are down over 80% in the nation’s federal courts. While there are a lot of explanations for this, such as the Supreme Court’s ruling in Daubert v. Merrill Dow Pharmaceuticals (Daubert is designed to permit a federal judge...
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