The Talking Dog "Sure, the dog can talk…but does it say anything interesting?" He ain't The Man's best friend

Sunday funnies

A WaPo op ed columnist urges us to “Stop Laughing at Donald Trump,” even as he mocks Republican icon John McCain for having been captured in the Vietnam War. Seems like reasonable advice, given that he might well be a false flag candidate. The slow moving toxic-waste-train-wreck that is the Greek bailout rolls on as the EU approves a seven billion euro loan to pay back the EU bondholders

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Be Afraid

As you know, American national policy is that Paranoia is Patriotic [TM]. Today, and really the last few days, are truly worthy of the old adage, “Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid.” Not over the official horsesh*t, like ISIS Islamic State ISIL, but over, well, you know, the world coming apart at the seams. (I’d personally blame that water-stealer Tom Selleck, but that’s just me.) Item: the Greek PM has, shortly after sacking the only grownup in his government Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis, gone back to the EU finance people begging for a new three year loan, without discussing any specific...

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Happy Solstice

As Druids dance around Stonehenge, and Americans celebrate Father’s Day, Roy Edroso gives us this taste of “heritage” from the American experience, in response to the recent racist horror of the murder of nine people in a church in Charleston, S.C. Roy’s inimitable take pulls no punches. Of course, the premise in which one can pull no punches these days is humor. People of goodwill have now been trapped by their own sense of fair play, which has metastasized as if a cancer into the premise of “everyone is entitled to their opinion,” which in turn has morphed into the...

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Sunday Sunday

We’ll start with the immediate solipsism, and note my finish in the Retro Four-Miler in a faster pace than last week, but still… not… fast. Ran the first mile with my friend E., who finished about eight minutes faster than I… all in all, her (10 min. mile) pace picked up after the first mile, and mine slackened. A tough year running-wise… but, now I have my nine, and hence, have automatic guaranteed entry for the 2016 NYC Marathon, and am already entered in the 2015… if I complete both, that will be fifteen in a row, and life-time guaranteed...

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Profiles in political courage?

Hot day here in the big city. Not so hot that I didn’t manage to eke out a finish (just under a 12 minute mile) in the UAE Healthy Kidney 10K, my eighth finish of the year towards nine needed to qualify for the 2016 NYC– which would then be my 15th consecutive if I make it to the finish line– entitling me to guaranteed entry until I drop… since I’m registered for at least three more races here, including the 2015 NYC… I’m optimistic… And on the subject of things I’m optimistic (albeit cautiously) about… Sen. Rand Paul of...

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Set your watches back… to the future?

The old joke was “Welcome to Ireland; please set your watches back 200 years.” Times they would appear to be changing as Ireland appears to be at the forefront of one of the big human rights developments in the world; the Grey Lady treats us to this discussion of the future of the Catholic Church in Ireland, in light of the impressive (62% to 38%) referendum win for a constitutional amendment permitting same sex marriage in Ireland. While a huge (and well-deserved) rebuke for one of the most abusive and corrupt religious institutions in the Western world the Church, the...

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The Meaning of Life

The Grey Lady treats us to this simultaneous hagiography/hit-piece/elegy called “Poor Little Rich Women”, discussing an alleged sociologist’s case-study of around 100 pampered glam-SAHM’s (glamorous stay at home moms) of the Upper East Side, which, as this Gothamist observation notes, ,correctly, , is the Grey Lady’s core demographic, to wit, the aging rich White folk of the Upper East Side of Manhattan– specifically, the parts between 63rd and 94th between Lex and 5th… roughly a square mile or so, at most, which houses an insanely high portion of the Masters of the Universe. The big takeaway from the piece seems...

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What to say about the President’s (rather quiet) approval of a permit for the Shell Oil Company to start drilling for oil in the Arctic? The business of America is business, particularly multi-national global corporations not based in the United States (among the major beneficiaries of the proposed uber-top-secret “free trade agreements” he is trying to thrust on us). So, while he screws around on approval of the Keystone XL Pipeline, the delay of which does not really or necessarily keep the tar-sands “oil” in the ground… his government approves a practice that is pretty much a consensus environmental disaster....

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All in all, maybe I’d rather not be in Philadelphia

The City of Brotherly Love is the site of a disastrous Amtrak train crash, in which at least six people have been confirmed dead with dozens injured. It’s been a bad period for trains in our area , what with an earlier incident in Valhalla, NY where a commuter Metro-North struck an SUV, killing several people, and 2013’s disastrous derailment in the Bronx killing four. I’ll make the obvious point: American infrastructure is not being maintained– and that’s physical infrastructure like track and rolling stock, and human beings, who, if you look carefully, are probably working longer hours than ever...

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