Living in Sin… New Paltz Rocks…

Welcome to the Republic of Gideon, baby. Yes, your Social Security Administration refuses to accept proof of marriages performed in New Paltz, New York (thanks to the village’s Mayor West performing, heaven help us. same sex marriages…) The SSA won’t accept proof of any marriages performed in New Paltz– straight or otherwise. Via No Capital.
It just so happens that Mrs. TD and I were married some thirteen years ago… in… New Paltz… New York…
We’re filing for our tax refunds immediately… We’ll try to break the news to the Loquacious Pup gently…
After having lived through 9-11-01 from a block away, and its aftermath from a mile downwind, having my nation join the ranks of international pariah states, and now having my marriage unceremoniously annulled, I’m sure you all understand why I am simply not amused by the clowns in charge of our government since 21 January 2001.
Indeed, I am angry. VERY angry. Very angry, indeed.
UPDATE: No More Mr. Nice Blog vouchsafes us the actual SSA regulation involved. Regardless of just how retroactive this ridiculous regulation is, we realy are being governed by meanspirited morons.
