the talking dog

May 13, 2004, Lies, Damned Lies, and Don Rumsfeld

The Secretarrissimo had the cojones to show up himself at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq, and sadly, was allowed to leave without himself being incarcerated there.

The Donald was there to assure us that there is no cover up of the abuses and the level of abuses at Abu Ghraib (and presumably, the numerous other gulags he is now illegally administering). Which means... there is unquestionably a cover up, and it doubtless goes right up to the Oval Office.

Count on it. Good to see that General Peter Pace and Deputy Secretary Paul Wolfowitz both believed that the orders on interrogation standards did not allow the sort of unbelievable abuses (and tortures... and humiliations) heaped on the (90% innocent) Iraqis in Abu Gharib, but hey-- why should THEY know what the hell is going on?

Oh, while the Oval Office has concerned itself with covering up the scope it has facilitated the grossest violation of international norms and Geneva Conventions by this nation... ever... we might recall how UNINTERESTED the President was in taking out one Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi, who CIA analysts tell us was almost certainly the hooded killer who personally murdered Nicholas Berg. Zarqawi was credited with writing a document that constituted almost a blue print of Iraqi resistance, and as I reported here, was a high profile target that the President couldn't be bothered to focus on long enough to authorize missions to take him out.

Thus, we find the state of the world. If my cable modem holds out long enough... "Clausewitz says get serious; Bush pumps fist and says feels good..."-- a continuation of my great minds of war meet feeble minds of Iraq war series.
In the interim, though, I fear that more bad shit from Iraq will descend upon us...

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For crying out loud, he isn't the "Secretarrissimo." He's FIELD MARSHALL Rumsfeld.

Posted by at May 14, 2004 01:07 PM

Let's be fair, won't we? How can you expect our own Anointed By God Presidente to focus on terrorism when he has his hands full with so many other matters? It isn't fair, I tell you. That's what he has advisors for. Don't you realize that the President and Commander-in-Chief's schedule is full up every single day with god-fearing, Jesus-loving activities for the betterment of America and the Carlyle Group? He can barely find the time to spend on his three year project of completing page 8 of The Little Engine That Could.

Posted by dean at May 14, 2004 03:22 PM

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